Chapter 9: Phone Meeting

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When Jihun's eyes open again they can only see the spool of dark hair coming from Seungjun's head.  He breathes in deeply and knows he has found he source of Seungjun's honey scent.  He turns on his side and places an arm lazily over the taller man's shoulders and wiggles closer for the warmth.  Seungjun repositions his arm around Jihun's torso and slowly and lightly rubs his hand in a large repetitive circle on Jihun's back.  Jihun smiles and let's his eyes slide closed.  As he falls back asleep he hopes this moment will never end.  


When Jihun wakes up again he isn't holding anyone in his arms and he is in his bed.  He blinks the sleep out of his eyes and looks around the room.  His heart speeds up as his mind spins wondering if he had dreamt everything up.  

"Don't you dare get up Jihun.  I'm bringing an ice pack and the thermometer." He hears his Mother's voice from the kitchen and realizes the faint stream of light coming from it.  He moves to get up anyway, intent on cutting her off in the kitchen.  That's when he notices the piece of paper clutched in his hand.  The light over head goes on and he looks back up to see his mother gripping an ice pack angrily in her hand.

"What did I say? Lay back down, now."  She orders.  The fury in her eyes has him immediately complying.  He hides the paper under his covers as she walks over.  She pulls the blanket away from him and yanks his shirt up to inspect his injury.  She reaches out and feels around the area and after a few moments sighs relieved and moves his shirt back over to cover it.  She places the ice pack over his shirt and tucks the blanket over and around him before meeting his questioning gaze. She pulls a thermometer out of her pocket and uncaps it and points it towards Jihun's mouth.  

"Open.  I'll explain while it reads your temp."  She says a bit calmer.  Jihun reaches out and takes the thermometer from her and puts it under his tongue himself.  She sighs and rolls her eyes at him before smoothing a wild hair of his down for a moment.  

"Your... friend gave me a call.  He said he didn't trust leaving you to your own devices with your fever which was still quite high when he left." She begins explaining.  The thermometer beeps and she pulls it out of his mouth before Jihun can.  She purses her lips at the number.  "It went down almost two full degrees but it's still low grade.  Meaning you do not move from that spot until it goes down completely got it."  She says.  Jihun feels around his pockets for his phone.  

"It's in the kitchen, hidden well.  If you get up you won't get it back anytime soon. I'll give it to you in a few hours." Jihun widens his eyes in disbelief.  "Don't give me that look.  It's your fault for being so stubborn.  Do you not want to get better ever?"  She says.  Jihun sighs and shakes his head.  He relaxes deeper into his pillow accepting his fate.  His mother sighs too and perches on the corner of his bed.  "He called me on your phone.  I was really surprised at first but he is a nice young man.  He seemed familiar though... was he there that night?  The taller one with that jacket you've been wearing?"  She guesses.  Jihun nods and she looks away to think for a moment.

"Have you two known each other for a while?"  She asks looking back at him.  Jihun shakes his head and looks up at the ceiling overhead.  "Hmmm, I see.  I'll give you enough time to read his note before I shut the lights off.  We still have a few hours until the next dose of your medicine so I want you to close your eyes and rest until then, okay?"  She pats his arm over the blanket as she speaks.  He nods at her words knowing there was no way she would take no for an answer.  She gives him a small smile and gets up and walks to the lightswitch by the kitchen that she must have used when she turned the light on.  Jihun pulls his hand free from the blanket and holds the now crumpled paper in front of him.  He unfolds it and reads it as quickly as he can.

For You and MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang