Chapter 22: Answers

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The work night wore on and by the time it is finally over Jihun realizes he had skipped his lunch.  He follows the rest of the crew to the main trailer and quickly grabs his things.  Not even bothering to look across at his uncle's desk to see if he is still there, Jihun sprints out of the trailer and to the parking lot of the site. 

There, in his dark green pickup truck, is the silhouette of Charlie drumming on his steering wheel.  He jumps when Jihun swings the passenger door open and hops in.  The lights go on in the car and Jihun sees Charlie's smile just before they go out again and Charlie throws his car into drive.

"Wanna stop at your apartment first?" Charlie asks as he throws his turn signal on to exit the parking lot and then pulls into the empty open road.  Jihun thinks for a moment and then quickly shakes his head.

"No." The murmur comes from between his lips and Charlie nods as he navigates their way to one of his supposed favorite places to get breakfast.  Jihun's heart races with the speedometer and his thoughts as he wonders what questions he should ask.  

The restaurant is close by and Jihun still hasn't organized his thoughts by the time Charlie is pulling to a stop in its parking lot.  He throws the car in park and the thundering engine quiets with the turn of his key.  When Jihun doesn't move to get out Charlie turns to him and then settles in his seat with a sigh. 

"Ready to go inside?"  Charlie asks cutting through the silence and Jihun's flurrying thoughts.  Jihun turns to him and slowly nods before letting himself out of the car.  As his feet hit the pavement a wave of exhaustion hits him like a truck and he leans against the car door for a moment after closing it.  Charlie makes his way to the small sidewalk in front of the truck first and peeks over at Jihun still leaning against it.

"Are you alright?  Work beat your ass?"  Charlie asks.  Jihun nods and stands up straighter before heading over to him.  Charlie throws his arms around Jihun's shoulders.  "Let's get you fed to get your spirits up."  Charlie steers Jihun in the small restuarant.  When they enter, the cook behind the counter in the center of the room waves them over with a warm smile.  Charlie leads them to the chairs set up at the counter.  Jihun sits down next to Charlie at the counter and looks down at the grain of it's worn wood.

"Hi Charlie!"  The chef says as he turns his round bright eyes on Charlie's worried face.  "Had the late shift today?"  Charlie tears his gaze from Jihun's exhausted profile and meets the young chef's cheerful eyes.  He smirks at the questioning puppy dog look he is faced with as he shakes his head.

"Not quite.  Can we have two of my usual?"  Charlie answers.  The chef nods.

"Of course, coming right up."  He says before turning back to the kitchen.  Charlie turns back to Jihun to see him resting his cheek against a closed fist and examining his face.  His smirk reappears.  "Fire away, I guess."  Charlie says.  Jihun quickly reaches into his pocket for his phone only to remember it is in his bag still in the car and completely broken. 

He wanted something to write on to make it easier to get the hard questions out that were weighing him down like boulders rolling down a hill kicking up more rocks as they come down.  They were endless and in the boulder field he was having a hard time finding the original, the best place to start. 

Charlie looks at Jihun with an eyebrow raised in question of his antics, having not been around Jihun long enough to know his ticks.  Jihun's lips part just as their plates crash down in front of them.  They look up startled to see the chef smiling widely at them.  

"There you guys go.  The extra egg is on the house.  Enjoy!  Let me know if you need anything else."  He says.

"Thanks, Minminie."  Charlie says rubbing his hands together and looking hungrily at his plate of eggs, bacon, and toast.  Jihun looks down at his plate as well but his stomach clenches and flops reminding him why he is really here.  He looks back at Charlie and his lips part to speak.

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