Chapter 4: Anxious Meeting

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The door opens towards the end of the movie and Heejun inches in looking intensly at his feet past the pizza boxes in his hands.  His face is flaming as he slips his shoes off.  Jihun and Seungjun look at him questionably.  And he finally meets their eye only to somehow blush harder and look back down at the floor.  He walks over and nearly throws the pizza on the ground in front of Jihun's and Seungjun's blanket blobbed selves. 

"I'm not saying a word so don't even ask."  He looks at Seungjun as he speaks and in the next moment Seungjun has dived out of the blanket and is hugging his roommate.

"Your face says it all.  So I'm guessing he really did have a good reason for everything?"  Seungjun asks anyway.  Jihun looks between the two confused and then focuses his gaze on the pizza boxes radiating heat in front of him.

"I said I ain't saying a word."  Heejun's voice sounds annoyed again but Jihun can hear a hint of teasing in it.  He opens the pizza box on top to reveal the meat lovers pie.  He closes that and opens the bottom one and pulls out a slice of greased up veggies over cheese, sauce. and bread.  He devours the first piece and goes in for a second one.

"Awe, come on.  If it helps I already told Jihun that you were probably meeting him.  I'm dying to know what his reason was."  Seungjun begs oblivious to the pizza massacre going on behind him.

"You don't deserve to know how it went!  He told me you already knew what he was up to.  You should have been on my side and told me."  Jihun hears a slapping sound and Seungjun's following laughter but goes in for his third slice ignoring the slight domestic.  By the time he is halfway through it he finally feels the first piece hit his stomach.  The fruit had already seemed to leave it empty.

"I knew it would be a good surprise.  I just didn't think it would take him so long.  And I had no idea he would dodge you so much."  Jihun looks up to see one side of the wide smile on his face that he could hear in Seungjun's voice.  He eats the last bite of crust and looks back to the pizza box wondering if he can stomach a fourth piece.  He decides to go for it  and as he pulls the piece out Heejun finally notices.

"Hey! Leave some for us."  He dives to the ground and opens both boxes.  His eyes widen and he looks at Jihun already in the middle of his fourth piece.  Jihun tries to keep his lips from forming a guilty smile and continues to chew.  "Dude, you are cut off."  Heejun says.  Seungjun joins them on the ground sitting in between them.  He grabs for a meat lovers slice.

"Isn't he paying for the pizza?"  Heejun glares at him half heartedly.

"Technically, I paid for the pizza.  You're welcome very much."  Seungjun laughs halfway through biting some more of his pizza.

"You mean you made Youjin pay for it."

"I mean I used my amazing charms to produce enough money from somewhere that paid for the pizza.  Again I repeat, you are welcome.  Thank me."  Heejun says making a silly attempt at a model-like charming expression as he speaks.

"Thank you so much."  Seungjun says.  Jihun can see half eaten pizza in his mouth because he is still laughing as he speaks.  Jihun starts to worry he will choke doing too many things at once.  Heejun looks to Jihun.  Jihun nods in thanks and Heejun purses his lips.

"So, like you really don't speak, at all?"  Heejun asks.  Jihun is taken aback by the sudden question.  After a pause he shakes his head.  Heejun eats some more of his pizza.  "Why?"  He asks after swallowing his food.  Jihun shrugs and looks down at his hands in his lap.  His fingers are twisting in between each other.  "Do you not know how?  I'm not judging or anything I'm just really curious."  Heejun presses.  Jihun shakes his head and when he sees Heejun open his mouth to ask another question he stands and walks to the bathroom closing the door behind him.  He notices a lock and turns it till it clicks sealing him away from the questions.

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