Chapter 12: Sleepless Meeting

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I think I'm falling in love with you.

I think I'm falling in love with you.

I think I'm falling in love with you.

The words bang around in Jihun's head a few times before they move to his heart and soak in.  He sees Seungjun's lips move a few more times as if he is calling Jihun's name.

Jihun places his hands on either side of Seungjun's face and pulls him back to his lips.  He clumsily takes the lead of his second kiss and he feels the smile on Seungjun's lips just as his giddy laughter makes it over the loud beating of Jihun's heart.  Seungjun breaks the kiss for a moment and waits for Jihun to breathe before he leads their third kiss. 

Jihun moves his hands from Seungjun's face and wraps him up in his arms once again. Their lips come together over and over again slowly and gently until Jihun moves his head back and raises himself high enough to lightly press a kiss on Seungjun's forehead.  When he moves back Seungjun moves his thumbs across Jihun's wet cheeks.

"I didn't know I kissed good enough to move you to tears." Seungjun teases.  Jihun tries to hide his smile under a sour expression but feels himself fail miserably. He tucks his face under Seungjun's chin and falls into him sending them both into the couch.  Seungjun laughs at his antics but wraps his arms around Jihun.  They lay like that as time slips past them.  Seungjun starts rubbing Jihun's back and he pops his head up to look at Seungjun who is grinning still.  Seungjun meets his eye.  Jihun once again moves his lips to Seungjun's ear.

"Me too." He whispers.  His body again tries to reject the reality of his whisper but Seungjun's arms around him unravel the knot forming in his stomach.  Seungjun's hand finds the bottom of Jihun's chin and he pulls him back up to his lips for another long kiss.  His giddy laughter ends it and Jihun pulls back to see him smiling widely.  Seungjun pulls in a breath.

"Sorry, I'm just so happy I could explode.  What about you?"  Seungjun's eyes flick back and forth between Jihun's.  Jihun nods with a smile on his face to rival Seungjun's.  "That makes me even happier."  Seungjun says.  Jihun once again lays his head down on Seungjun's collarbone and listens to the sound of Seungjun's heart beating.  It is quick and erratic matching Jihun's almost perfectly.  "Are you tired?"  The hum of Seungjun's voice reverberates through him, a new way to experience the sound.  Jihun shrugs.  Seungjun's hand finds Jihun's hair and he runs his fingers through it a few times.  Seungjun's soft laughter vibrates through him. 

"You sounds like you're going to fall asleep at any moment."  Seungjun says.  Jihun peeks at him curiously.  "Your breathing is really deep and slow, just like when you are sleeping."  Seungjun explains.  Jihun's eyes widen and Seungjun pokes his nose lightly.  "Lets go to bed.  It'll be more comfortable there."  Seungjun says.  Jihun reluctantly peels himself away from Seungjun's warmth and sits up.  Seungjun stands and stretches before holding his hand out to Jihun.  "I'll lead the way."  He says cooly before his face turns red as a valentine. 

Jihun laughs silently as he takes Seungjun's hand and lets him pull him up.  Seungjun lets out a chuckle as Jihun leans on him for a moment.  He reaches for the remote and turns the TV off before leading Jihun to his bedroom.  His bedroom is the door to the right of the tiny hallway off the kitchen.  Once Seungjun turns the light on the first thing that catches Jihun's eye are his shelves of figurines and special editions of different movies, music, and books.  His mouth is open in a little o as he tries to imagine how much the entire collection probably costs.  Seungjun notices his expression and follows his line of sight.    

"Yeah, I'm a bit of a fan.  I like collecting all these things to remind me of all of the things these have made me feel throughout my life."  Seungjun says.  Jihun pulls him along to get a closer look at his collection.  He points to a shelf that is completely dedicated to Harry Potter and raises an eyebrow at Seungjun.  Seungjun chuckles again. 

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