the night in the maze

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shark ; mogi . have you seen sabre ?

mogi : no he didn't come back with Matt or Tyler .

shark : what are you carving ?

mogi : a model of a griever its for my parents if i ever find them .

shark : whats a griever .

mogi : never mind .it just matters its for my parents ..

shark: do you miss them .

mogi : i can't miss them if i don't remember them .

shark : mogi . we'll get out of here and you'll find them . i know it .

Nathan : Andrew ! sabre is stuck in the maze he broke his leg when running .

shark : why can't moose go .

Nathan : he's guarding Milo so he doesn't try to attack you again . your the fastest and sabre is all alone .please .


* shark *

i ran into the maze . i turned a corner .following a trail of blood and sabre yelling .i found him laying on the ground his leg bleeding and broken . i put a turn kit to help the bleeding . and helped him along the route i took to find him the sun was setting and he was telling me to leave him behind and run for the exit .

sabre : Andrew . leave me . behind . the walls are going to close . you'll be trapped here and we'll both die .

shark : i see it .

Nathan : hurry the doors are shutting .

* shark *

Nathan ran into the maze with mogi and Matt and took Sabre i didn't make it through the door in time sabre made it through , but i didn't .

mogi : Andrew!

sabre : wait ! Andrew if you can here me run and never stop running try to survive the night . they'll find you .

shark : why do i have to run .

* griever roaring *

sabre : run Andrew run !


* Andrew *

i kept running . the grievers behind me . i fell . my hand landed on the leather handle of a knife possibly dropped by a runner . the grievers chased me i saw vines i trusted them i tried to climb them but they had thorns or something sharp that made my hands bleed . i kept running the sun was starting to rise . the griever caught up to me i was cornered . it tried to jump on me but the sun came out before it could and it retreated to the shadows . i heard the doors opening i ran towards them . the gladers all kneeling in front of the doors apparently praying for me to survive . sabre looked up from the ground and saw me .

sabre : Andrew, he survived a night in the maze he's alive !

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