i'm a liar

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mogi : hey sabre whats going on between you and Andrew .

sabre : n-nothing . hey Andrew .

Andrew : hey sabre .

sabre : did you find a new place in the maze today .

Andrew : no not today.

* voices fading out as they get further away *  

mogi : grey i think something's up between those two .

grey : I've noticed something weird about those two they  never seem to be away from each other long .


Andrew ; hey sabre .

sabre : good morning Andrew .

Andrew ; running ?

sabre : as early as ever .

Andrew : let's go .

* sabre * 

 we ran into the maze together the other runners falling behind in our tracks . we cut a corner one we had found the other day the others don't know where it is we made a little hide out here . we're mapping out the maze and spending our free time here .i had set up a hammock in one of the corners .i climbed into the hammock and Andrew laid his head on my chest as we sat in the corner hidden away from the world together .we stayed there together for an hour or two them left to run the maze . Andrew with a map in one hand drawing out the new route and pathways we find . we make it back into the glades at sunset and run back to my tree house and spent the rest of the evening together he left my place in the middle of the night for the bunk house where the other's slept .


max : whats going on between you and sabre ?

shark : nothing we're just close friends .

sabre : Andrew . can i speak with you please .

shark : yes sabre .

max : somethings up .

Ross : hey well at least we're good friends .

max ; shut up .

Ross : okay mad max .

max : sometimes i wonder why i hang around you .


Grey : hey nick . i can't sleep i can hear noises in Sabre's tree house what do you thinks is up .

nick : Andrew isn't in here . 

Grey : let's go check it out .

nick : oh my god .

Grey : what the hell ...

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