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All i could think about was the sound of the clawed legs thump against the stone chasing after a straggler we lost . Everyone was cowered behind me in the small overhang too low for the greivers to reach us. 

Mogi : I'm scared.

Andrew : i know but we can make it out of here .

Mogi:  is he going to be alright ?

Andrew ; i don't know , only time will tell . ben was laying on the cold stone floor struggling to breathe . the open wound in his chest still bleeding profusely.  He'll be okay .

Moose : i don't know , he's lost alot of blood .

Andrew : hang in there ben .ben had started half mumbling and half singing a song in french .


The world slowly faded away and the scraping sound of the walls closing to the glades was replaced by my mother's soft voice as she sang a lullaby to me . i started to sing along with it but some of the words were washed out and empty . The house i grew up in as a child replaced the stone walls and thorny vines of the maze .

Mother:  benny what's the matter sweetheart ?

Ben : i had a nightmare.

Mother:  about what?

Ben :  i was trapped in a maze with a few other people and i almost died .

Mother : it's gone now . You're alright nothing can hurt you here .

Ben : mom , i have something to tell you .

Mother:  yes ben ?

Ben : i -uh .she handed me a glass of hot chocolate . i smelled the richness of the cocoa and was tempted to drink it but i didn't.  Mom , i know this is a dream but i just can't go on anymore without telling you .

Mother : benny,  I have to go a business trip soon . i won't be back for a few weeks .

Ben : mom , I'm not here . This os a dream and i know I'm in that maze bleeding to death and i never heard you once say i love you . I'm dying without ever hearing my own mother saying "i love you ."

Mother:  goodnight ben .


Andrew : he's back. 

Mogi : ben , you finally wake up .we're so close to getting out of here .

Ben : guys i had a dream about my mom. 

Andrew : we could use a tension breaker .

Ben : my mom and i had an argument but before that she was singing this lullaby in French and i sang with her .

Andrew:  explains why he was mumbling.

Ben : it was weird . she didn't act like my mother,  well mean she did but weird.  Like she was going crazy or forgot who i was ..

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