what are you waiting for

128 7 1

sabre : you tell anyone . i swear .

grey : hey we're chill .

Andrew : sabre the doors are opening time to go .

-----------cue music above ---------------------

* sabre * 

 we ran together . ducking under low hangers and jumping over holes in the ground . i ran off the edge of a small ledge landing on my feet and kept running . the others trailing behind me like ants .eventually Andrew caught up with me and we ran side by side . moose was close behind Andrew and so was Matt . i turned a sharp left and the others followed . we kept track of every corner and turn . soon we came to a big door with the number seven on it . it was locked the sun was getting low . we turned around and ran back around the corner back the same way we came . just in time for the doors to shut behind us . i slowed to a jog then to a walk then stopped completely . slowing down this way make sit to where your muscles don't hurt as much when your run . other runners have developed the same tactic .  i went up into my tree house to work on repairing the floor .  Andrew went to work with nathan on the farm . and moose went to help cut down some trees for wood . Matt never comes up to my tree house i sometimes think he's intimidated by me . we've all developed a sense of responsibility here . when we're done running the maze we come back and do extra tasks . to help out the others .i moved my hair away from my face and continued to fix the floor of my house . i heard moose coming up the ladder . probably with more wood . 

moose : hey sabre . 

sabre : I've noticed something about you moose .

moose : what exactly .

sabre : you think i haven't seen  you and nathan .

moose ; oh about that -

Sabre: hey its no big deal me and shark are trying to keep it secret as well .

moose : do you need some help .

sabre : uh , yeah sure .


the next morning .

* sabre * 

 i woke up earlier this morning and went to the bunk area where the others were . instead of waking just three people up i was going to wake everyone up . hey time to wake up we can't waste all day we aren't running today no one is to leave the glades with out my consent . we are gong to all get ready in case we all have to go out there one day . if we do we have to be ready . there is no telling what could happen with this many people .

Andrew :  he's right . if the only way out is through that maze we have to be ready .

moose : we're the gladers we stick together so we train together . 

sabre : let's go .

----------------------------------------not in the glades -------------

person #1 : what is happening . why aren't the camera's showing anyone in the maze . they're usually out by now . somethings up check the sanctuary camera .

person #2  : it looks like they're . training for something . why would they need to run laps for it looks like a full on military down there . look those ones are doing push ups and sit ups .

Boss : who is responsible for this .

person #3 : i think i know who it is . its the nineteen year old . the first one we sent in . 

Boss : i knew he would be trouble should have gotten rid of him while we had the chance . if this keeps up . purge the place .

person #1 : but sir those are innocent children in there .

Boss : if this keeps up purge them . who ever survives will continue to run the maze until they find a way out . now i want extra people monitoring their actions track them if you have to . do what ever you can to keep this from happening  . i don't want my own "son" to ruin this for every one ...

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