death of a hero

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My dad was on a gurney as the paramedics pulled a sheet over him and drove away with sirens off .my mother put her arm around my shoulder and turned me toawrds her .

Mother : Andrew, your father he - he wanted to be happier but what he choose to be happy with took him with grandma and grandpa. He took too much of his medicine and left us.

Andrew: he past away ?

Mother: yes ..


Andrew : keep up ! The loud scraping grew lounder into a blend of grievers and the maze changing around us. Ben barely kept pace and was being aided by mogi .

Ben : are we almost there ..

Andrew : just a few more turns .


Mother : andrew , you can't hate him forever you have to move on sometime.

Andrew : i can't move on.  Do you know how it feels to lose someone you look up to! He was superman to me ! My dad was superman and he's dead !

Mother:  andrew please .


Moose ; andrew ! Grievers!

Andrew : run ! Everyone ran close behind me trying to keep as far away from the griever as possible.  Within a matter of seconds we were in the tunnel labeled four . mogi hurry !he was the last one in the tunnel and griever used it's tail to stab mogi from the back and out the chest leaving him to die on the floor .

Ben : mogi !


Technician : are you Andrew S ?

Andrew : unfortunately.

Technician:  follow me . this is our research facility,  here is where we prep people for the maze . over there is where our first volunteer is , he's a nice boy you might like him . sabre! Come meet the new guy -

Andrew:  i actually already know him .

Technician:  that's helpful well you two can catch up while i finish some paperwork .

Sabre:  long time no see .

Andrew : you're an idiot for signing up for this . he held my hand and lookes at me without his bandanna on . i had never seen his eyes before , but the colour was amazing . a clover green with a slight ring of blue aroumd the edges.

Sabre : i'll be okay , i promise.


Mogi : guys ..?

Ben:  mogi ! You're going to be okay ! Please just stay with us .

Mogi : please,  if you find. .my family. . give this to them..tell them ..their little sommerfugl loved them very much. ..

Ben : they called you their little butterfly.

Andrew : mogi .he handed me the wooden griever and went still and lifeless .ben , he's gone .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2019 ⏰

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