thanks for the memories

98 5 0

person #1 : what do we do they found a key .

boss : don't close the doors tonight .

person#2 : but the grievers will-

boss : thats the point . they have to learn .

person #1 : i will not allow this .

boss : i can throw you in there and no one will ever know .

person#1 : don't save my name .

boss : wish is granted . take him away . good bye Justin .

Justin : before we do this . i want to call my husband .

boss : ten minutes .


phone call -------------

Justin : James . i'm not going to be coming home tonight or for awhile .

James : your leaving me .

Justin : no its for work .

James : i love you don't forget that .

Justin ; i probably will . good bye James . i love you .

James : what do you mean by goodbye your hanging up .

Justin ; tell everyone i said thanks for the memories we made together. i won't remember them .

James : Justin don't hang up -

----end call---------------------------------------


in the maze ..

sabre : why aren't the walls closing . 

moose : try to block up the entrances .

shark : grievers !

sabre : everyone run !!!..

maze runner 09sabreजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें