the new runner

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sabre : hey greenie time to wake up .

shark : hey sabre . why did you wake me up this early .

sabre : your the new runner and i wanted the guys to show you the ropes .


later that night 

shark : sabre where are you taking me .

sabre : just keep your eyes closed .

shark : what are you doing .

sabre : do you trust me .

shark : what ?

sabre : do you trust me .

shark : of course .

Sabre : good .

* shark * 

 i jumped when he kissed me . i opened my eyes then closed then not wanting to ruin the moment . i felt his arms move away from my shoulders and heard the cups and plates behind me fall of the table . he was clumsy i could tell that for sure he stopped kissing me and i opened my eyes to see him looking over the guard rail onto the ground .we were in his tree house in the center of the glades . i walked over to see what he was looking at and saw a crowd of people at the walls just as the doors were closing they were banishing someone . i saw a tear fall off Sabre's face i took his hand in mine and comforted him .

sabre : you know Matt was the second person here . 

shark : who was the first .

sabre : me . i was here alone for an entire month .

shark : i can't imagine that .

sabre : what's eve worse is that they were still working on getting rid of the memories completely when i came here i still have memories . painful ones . ones of being taken from my family in the park . three years Andrew . i was sixteen when they first put me in here . when they did they broke my leg so i couldn't run . i had to be careful how i got around one wrong step and it was pure pain . they say you forget after awhile some people here . ,but me i never forgot what i was put through . Matt had it a little easier than me .  they didn't break his leg . they took him from an orphanage .  he doesn't have a photographic memory like me . he forgot the pain .

shark : you've been through a lot .

sabre : we all have especially mogi . he's only fourteen . he was brought here the month before you . he had the strongest bond with his memories . you know the scars everyone has on their arms . that's from an incision they do to plant a tracker to track our movements in the maze . as you can see mine is the one that stands out the most . i took it out . to them i'm invisible they can't track me unless they put another one in my arm . i took mogi's out last week when it malfunctioned and shocked him .

shark : can you take mine out .

sabre : its going to hurt if i do .

shark : please i don't want to be tracked .

sabre : alright you might want to bite on this , its a bullet . i managed to find it in the elevator thing .

shark : why do i have to bite this .

sabre : i have to cut your arm open . .

* shark * 

 i placed the bullet between my teeth and i saw him take out a makeshift switchblade and clean the blade . he pressed it against my arm just above my shoulder and sliced it i bit down hard onto the bullet feeling my teeth chip some metal away . i screamed i felt a piece of metal be pulled out of my arm and cold water poured onto the cut . then the worst pain imaginable .a needle and thread stitching up my arm . i spat out the bullet and was handed and bottle of something .

sabre : this is alcohol grey makes it .  trust me you'll need it . the cut always hurts the next day . here there is no drinking limit I've seen mogi drinks two of these in one day when i took his tracker out .

* shark * 

 i took a drink of the strong drink and instantly got a headache . i drank a few more times from the bottle and passed out . 


grey : took his tracker out of his arm .

sabre : yeah . gave him something to drink to help with the pain .

grey : that reminds me sabre your stitches need to come out today . so here a bottle ready all for you .

sabre : i fucking hate you .

grey : deal with it ,. 

sabre : fuck ! 


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