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Shivaay was cooking while Annika sat in one of those high chairs by the kitchen counter cutting vegetables.

They had returned home from a pooja at mallika's house while shakti had taken Pinky on a date after saying Shivaay and annika that they had been busy with shivika that they didn't have time for themselves. They had gone away to watch a film "padmavat" in the theatre. 

Shivaay was beating the creamy mixture of the pudding.

"How has it come shivaay" asked Annika eagerly dipping her hands into the mixture and licking it.

"Let me taste it too", saying so he took her hand and started licking her fingers and kissing it hungrily.

"Leave me shiv someone might come, this is the kitchen for God's sake. I said leave me" 

"I'd not leave you any day baby" saying so he dragged her up from the chair and pulled her closer to himself by her waist and removed the pallu of her Saree by his mouth, with his hands still around her waist caging an annika who was protesting hitting him on his chest with her curled fists. Annika had worn a Saree today for the pooja at doctor seema's house.

"Anni stop behaving like a worm, I know better ways to stop you" saying so he burried his head in her now exposed cleavage and started kissing and biting her there.

"What better ways do you know shiv other than forcing me?" Annika asked with a naughty smile with her eyes shut. She couldn't feel his head there anymore she whimpered in dissatisfaction saying "shiv" and opened her eyes to see shivaay's tear filled eyes.

 "Kya hua shiv" she held his face in both her hands and asked. He removed her hands from his face and said "You still couldnt forget that I forced you into marriage right anni?", saying so he left toward their bedroom. Annika followed him shouting "Shiv I was just kidding", but he went straight into the washroom and shut the door on her face.

She knocked the door several times, but to her misery he didn't open it at all, she could hear the shower on. She stopped knocking she knew it was of no use. Annika didn't want him to feel bad at all, she had totally forgotten about their forced marriage literally, what she remembered was only shiv's love for her and all the memories and time spent with him. How was she to explain it to her childlike husband now?


Annika sat on a couch in the room waiting there for shivaay, he came out after about an hour and like a grumpy child sat there on the bed with his head wet. Annika nodded her head like nothing could be done of him. She opened the closet, went towards him stood there near him and started wiping his wet hair with a smile playing on her lips. Her husband was after all like a little child who craved for attention.

Shivaay hugged annika by her stomach and said "sorry for that day anni, I was not in my senses back then, I was foolish at that time, I was arrogant, mad and what not. I'm sorry for that day I don't still understand what I should do to make you forget that day"

Annika replied while carcassing his hair "I've forgotten that long back shiv, it's you who have not forgotten it. I'm too happy right now with you, that I don't remember anything bad in my life, i was just kidding you their in the kitchen but you misunderstood me that I was speaking about the marriage"

"I love you and our child more than anything in this world anni, until my heart beats it will only keep loving you" he said still hugging her by her stomach hiding his head inside her pallu like a little child.

"If you love us, you'd not let us starve shiv. Now stop behaving like a small boy, get up and cook something for us, We are hungry" she said.

"Achcha madam I will cook something" he said getting up and carrying her in his arms.

THEIR LIVES AFTER THE STORM 🌟(completed🔚)Where stories live. Discover now