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Shivaay had been busy from morning going through the company files, he had found out from Rudy that the oberoi industries was going through a state of abnormality with profits being gained, but where they were spent none could understand. There was something strange happening and thus the incurred losses had increased. In short if it continued any further the company would fall into bankruptcy.

Shivaay was going through the 20th file when he felt a tight grip on his hip from the back, some had hugged him tight from the back. And it didn't even take shivaay a second to realise who it was. It was his brother,his own Om and he had no doubt about it. They remained like that with Om crying out loud and shivaay controlling his emotions, he didn't shed even a single tear. With much difficulty shivaay controlled his tears and struggled to get off oms hold, but Om held him even more tightly. Shivaay finally succeeded to break of oms hold and looked at his face. Oms face looked guilt stricken and sheathed with tears, the sight broke shivaay but he was angry at his Om although he was completely broken seeing his state. Om looked here and there than meeting his elder brother's eyes.

Shivaay slapped him hard across his face with teary eyes. Om looked down in shame and then again hugged shivaay crying uttering many inaudible sorries, shivaay had tears rolling down his face, but he wanted his old Om back and he could do anything for it. Shivaay again freed himself from an Om holding him tight, and again slapped him shouting "why did you become like this Om?" Crying.

"Shivaay I'm sorry" said an already guilt stricken Om kneeling down on the floor, he exactly looked like a little boy pleading his father and that was enough for shivaay, he ran to his brother, fell down on the floor near him, hugged his Om tight and both the brothers sobbed till they could forget and forgo their past miseries. Both of them remained like that for a period known only to them till finally Om broke off from the hug and spoke

"Sorry shivaay" wiping away his tears looking down.

"Sorry for what Om?" Shivaay asked looking angrily at him

"I'm sure Rudy would have said everything shivaay" Om replied looking the floor

"If you are so ashamed of it, to that extent that you can't look into my eyes. Why did you do it Om?" Shivaay questioned him gently this time holding his face with both his hands

"Because of you shivaay" Om said poking his finger into shivaay's chest. Shivaay looked on at Om with tears rolling down his eyes not knowing what to say, his om's present condition was due to him and he felt really ashamed of himself.

"Sorry Om" it was shivaay who spoke this time holding oms hands tightly

"You should be sorry shivaay, you left with your family naa, you didn't think that I or Rudy were your family. You left with your family to live together, with comfort or without comfort doesn't matter but to live together. And you left me and Rudy all alone like orphans. Ever thought how we'd feel shivaay? I didn't know what to do then? How could you think we'd live happily with all the fortune without our shivaay" Om spoke in an accusing tone looking directly into shivaays eyes now.

Om then continued "I fought with Rudra, gauri, the entire family, distanced myself from them, because they could not stop my shivaay from leaving me. I cried shivaay, I cried but then I had none, nor did I have the guts to speak to anyone. Then...." he started coughing and shivaay ran to get him a cup of water.

"Om have it" shivaay said stroking his chest and back

"No shivaay let me speak" Om said and then continued. "Then I thought to turn to drugs again, hoping that'd provide me the needed escape mechanism. But shivaay trust me every time I took those bitter pills, I saw your face yes your face looking sternly at me and then I dropped it away. When I took the injections I saw your face again, and I threw it away. I tried to run away from it as well. But life brought me into a deep pit of depression that I could do nothing than to take one or two pills. What started as one or two pills started multiplying and I didn't even realize it due to my misery which was bigger than that shivaay" Om spoke with tears rolling down his eyes

"Why did you do it Om? I thought you were the sensible guy among the three of us, I thought you'd handle everything, and Rudy but why did you do this again Om. You didn't think about me for a second didn't you" shivaay questioned him again with seething anger and rolling tears, he was angry at Om and himself equally.

"I don't know why I didn't realize it shivaay until..." Om replied in a guilty tone and then continued "until Rudy found it and I slapped him hard for no fault of his shivaay"

"Yes I slapped my Rudy, our little Rudy shivaay" Om wept bitterly feeling guilty for whatever he had done. Shivaay could no longer take it, he moved forward to hug his Om but Om pushed shivaay away and continued "Then I felt really ashamed of myself and joined a rehabilitation centre shivaay, I was ashamed of what my shivaay would think when he returns back, I tried to reform myself shivaay and I'm still doing it. Im guilty to look at rudys face but then after I completely reform I'd ask forgiveness from Rudy myself. I know Rudy would be the happiest to know that I've turned away from those drugs. And dadi I'm even ashamed to look at her face shivaay, and I've belittled and hidden so much from gauri that I don't know what to do" Om finished speaking this and got up from the floor and went towards the door without giving shivaay a second glance. Shivaay's heart broke at what Om had to say, after all it was not only oms fault at the end of the day, it was his, shivaays fault too. But now his Om was trying to make things right and he has to support his brother come what may. Shivaay ran to his Om who was trying to exit the study and back hugged him tightly not letting him leave the study. Shivaay started shedding his tears, Om started crying too.

"Sorry shivaay" Om said turning towards shivaay this time. "Will everything be fine?" He added like a assurance seeking little child

"You don't have to be Om, I'm here now let's make things right together" shivaay replied kissing om's forehead.

Shivaay then dragged Om back into the room towards the couch saying "I've to speak more", he made Om settle on one of the couches, handed him a the glass of water that he had earlier refused and then questioned him "Whats going on between you and gauri Om" with folded hands.

"I really don't know shivaay, I fought with her the day you left home. I didn't have anyone by my side that day and she was the only person whom I could vent out my anger on. I shouted at her really badly and left the room. From that day I didn't have the guts to face her shivaay, I scolded her for no fault of hers. She slowly started distancing herself from me and I was assured that she deserved someone better and not me. How could I go and stand in front of her or speak to her again after all that I did Shiva?" Om said holding his face with both his hands in a desperate tone.

Shivaay sat close to him on the adjoining couch saying "whatever you did was completely wrong but let's try to make it alright together?", shivaay stroked oms head while he looked like he was thinking something very deeply

"What happened Om, you wanna reconcile with gauri again right" shivaay asked worried

"Shivaay that........"

---Both the brothers spoke of something known only to them which would be revealed in the upcoming chapters---




Yours Tabitha🙏...

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