7) In A Turn Of Events...

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(continuing the part before Amy wakes up)

Well, there's no going back now. I know the mess that I made will get me into trouble but I think my actions will change my life. In a good way. I am positive.

I decide to go back to her side, next to her bed. To watch her. But something catches my eye. On the little couch in the room, I see her belongings are placed there, but that's not what caught my eye. Its what's on the floor, it probably fell from her belongings. I walk over to the couch and I kneel down and pick up the object. It makes a familiar jingling sound. Where did I hear.....

I got it. My key chain that I got as a present made the same exact sound. I look at the key chain in my hand and I see that it has the letters... A,M,Y and it has... little musical notes, a dinosaur, a bunny, a flame, a... mint leaf, and a key....

I shake it again to hear the jingling noise and I am sure that this is a keychain that was made by the same owner of the keychains that us SHINee members recieved.

I quickly grab for mine, which is in my jacket pocket. And I compare both of them. I can tell that the same person made both keychains. They both even made the same jingling sound.

Wow. This is crazy. Crazy. In a turn of events, It seems that I met THE Amy that gave us such wonderful presents and the girl that caught my eye, is THE Amy.

I turn to look at the girl, Amy, and I KNOW that I won't regret anything that has happened so far. I am positively sure.

(SHINee ONEW / JINKI) Onew's Love Story: UNSTOPPABLEWhere stories live. Discover now