"Are You Filming Me?"

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Shawn had been in and out of the studio all day, and you were getting antsy. You decided to surprise him and sit in for a session, hoping to offer moral support and maybe even prompt him to just come home.

He'd developed this new obsession with Drake lately. You weren't sure if it was because of the whole Toronto thing or because he was experimenting with new sounds on the album, but it's all you'd been forced to listen to at home, so it came as no shock to you when Shawn absolutely would not stop singing God's Plan under his breath.

"Babe, if you don't stop soon I'm gonna leave. I'm going nuts." you pleaded.

He just giggled, completely disregarding everything you'd been saying for the last half hour.

Before long he started up again, switching between the lyrics and beatboxing, completely in his own world.

Pulling out your phone, you thought maybe filming him would make him stop.

Pressing record, you asked, "what's that, baby?"

"GOD'S PLAN, GOD'S PLA-, babe, are you filming me?" he asked, breaking into a giddy smile.

"Yes, annnnnd, posted!" you said as you added it to your story.

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