Labour of Love

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"Uh, Shawn?" you called from the bathroom, unsure of why your vagina seemed to be pulsing out of nowhere.

"Hmm?" he called, completely immersed in the song he was writing.

"Shawn, I uh, I think it's happening soon," you said a little shakily, rubbing your massive belly that was due any day now.

"What?" he asked frantically, immediately standing and at your side, guitar disregarded on the couch.

"Now? Oh my god," he trailed off, darting into the bedroom to put a bag together. He was running all over the place and throwing stuff around, completely manic as you stood in the doorway, calm as ever.

"Shawn, it's fine, we have hours," you spoke softly.

"Fine? No, it's not fine! You're having my child!" he practically yelled, stuffing your phone charger into the backpack and zipping it up. "Car, now!"

"Oh my god," you shook your head, slowly walking to the door and toward the elevator as Shawn locked up and raced past you, rapidly clicking the "down" button.

The drive to the hospital was silent, Shawn's hand switching from holding yours and holding the wheel as his lips remained pursed the whole time. He pulled into Emergency and parked in a no-parking zone, running around to your side and trying to carry you out of the car.

"Shawn, would you calm down?" you asked, hopping out of the Jeep. "We could have gone through the normal entrance, maybe even parked legally."

He dragged you inside and to the front desk, freaking out at the nurse behind the counter.

"My wife is giving birth!" he exclaimed, both hands on the countertop.

"I had like, one contraction," you muttered, eyes flickering to the nurse's as the two of you burst out laughing, Shawn having a stressful episode beside you. Your giggles wouldn't slow down as you looked at your frantic husband, latching onto him as your chest shook with laughter.

"Oh, shit," you spoke, giggles stopping completely. "I think my water just broke."

Shawn buried his face in his hands and began pacing back and forth.

"I've gotta sit down," he said, "and call my mom."

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