Lloyd x reader -you're a star to me-

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Just have to justify that.
If I wrote a Percy Jackson book similar to this, would you guys read?
And, I'm currently watching Ninjago rn so it's meant to be.
This was a request by AhriF0xtail
Sizzling pain, banishment, how could you? These were my thoughts before the Earth's atmosphere came, quickly. My last thought before burning through the atmosphere was, home.
I lost conscious.
"How could you!"
My mother screeched at me. I winced.
"How could I what?"
I asked, not knowing what I had done.
"Why are you curious about their world! There is NOTHING done there for you!"
My father yelled at me.
Tears welled up in my eyes.
"You always told me to be curious."
I muttered. Apparently, they had heard me.
My father said slamming down his hands. I bit my lip, trying not to cry.
"You are banished. Never come back."
My mother said with a stone cold look.
I ran out, crying.
The people of Saturn had just banished me from my home
"Hey, Hey. Are you okay?"
An arm was shaking me out of my daze. I sat up, my eyes darted in several directions. My eyes caught a blond haired boy.
I could feel my eyes sparkle in amusement, he was human.
"Your human?"
I said with excitement lacing my voice.
He laughed sheepishly, and rubbed the back of his neck.
"Uh yeah."
He smiled.
I sat up and took in my surroundings. Buildings reaching the sky, a park across the street with children scattering in it, a big beautiful blue sky.
"And this is Earth?"
I asked eagerly.
He answered with a lopsided grin.
"It's beautiful."
I said in awe.
He swept a piece of hair behind his ear and looked where I was looking.
"Yeah, I guess your right."
He said breathing out.
I said as I sprang to my feet.
Then I immediately feel back down.
I said in defeat.
"Are you alright?"
The guy asked. His emerald eyes yelled worried at me.
"I think my ankle is sprained."
I said, rubbing the spot that hurt.
"Well, let me take you to the shop and fix you up."
He said as he offered his hand to me.
I said as he took my hand, lifted me up, and slung me into his arms in all one motion.
I said resting in his arms.
"It's necessary that you don't put weight on that okay?"
He told me, as we started walking through town.
"Or, is it that you just want to carry me?"
I smirked to him. A blush exploded across his face.
"I think it's the first reason."
He muttered as we crossed the street. His eyes darted both ways, then he sped walked across.
"It think it's the latter."
I said again.
He said rolling his eyes. He obviously knew I was right.
He swung open the door to a tiny tea shop that was called steeper wisdom.
"Hey there you are!"
The ginger from behind the counter called.
"Yep, I'm here."
He called back to him.
I waved to the guy behind the counter.
"I'm Y/N! What's your name?"
I asked the guy.
"Oh, so your name is Y/N. You'll tell Jay, but you won't tell me."
The guy who was carrying me grumbled.
"You never asked."
I replied simply.
He huffed.
"What's your name?"
I said poking him in the chest.
"My name is Lloyd. I'm sure you've heard of me. I'm the green ninja."
He said triumphantly.
I shrugged.
"Never heard of you."
He looked defeated. He walked me behind the counter, through a row of hanging beads and into the back.
"This is the rest of the Ninja team".
he said gesturing to the rest of the people in the
One of them said. None of the rest of them paid any attention to me.
He sat me up on a table and started getting sports tape down to wrap my ankle.
"Your hot."
I said laying down looking at him.
"He stopped forming bringing the sports tape down from a high shelf and almost dropped it.
"Uh, Thanks."
He said as he re-gripped the tape and started wrapping.
"All done."
He said smiling proudly at his work.
"Thank you."
I said as I sat up and gave him a peck on the cheek.
He paused for a moment.
"Let me take you somewhere."
He said suddenly.
I said, not knowing why I was running off with Lloyd somewhere.
He grabbed my hand, and took off tanning through the tea shop.
He dodged people and ran out the door.
He stopped, taking a breath. Then silence.
Around him swirled green energy, then a dragon formed.
"Oh wow!"
I said as I took his hand and climbed on.
"This is the best feeling ever!"
I said as he swooped up into the air. Swirling through clouds, doing tricks.
Then he started going towards the ground. It was a big empty field of grain.
"This is beautiful."
I smiled.
"Isn't it?"
He said as the dragon dissolved.
"Where'd it go?"
I asked sadly.
He chuckled.
"Don't worry, he'll be back later."
He told me. I nodded in understanding. He offered his hand to me, which I took, and we walked through the field.
He stopped when we were half way through.
"I've been meaning to tell you something since I met you this afternoon."
He said twiddling his thumbs.
"What is it?"
I asked.
"I love you. You came into my world abruptly, and I enjoyed it. I love you in every single way."
He said breathing out.
I was speech less. I had no words.
I just leaned over to him.
And kissed him.

I hope this doesn't suck 😓

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