Lloyd x Reader -sunshine-

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Heyy camp is over.

I cradled my boyfriend in my arms. Blood smeared across his perfect features.

-a few hours before-
It had been the final battle. My boyfriend limped up to the top of the tallest building in Ninjago. The overlord stood above him as a dragon. Darkness looked over Ninjago. I was watching from the dragon with my boyfriend's uncle and his mother.
"He has become the ultimate Spinjitzu master." His mother informed us.
He was dueling with the Overlord, yelling at him. The huge dragon the possessed his father looming over him.
He was swallowed by the dragon, and came out. He destroyed the dragon spreading light throughout Ninjago.
When the last of the Overlord was being killed, the dragon wiped out his leg. Knocking my boyfriend off of his golden dragon.
The golden dragon turned to mist and blew away. Lloyd controlled the dragon, he had no control. He was panicking.
The scene played out in slow motion in front of me.
My boyfriend of a year, plummeting down nearly 20 stories.
Then being stomped by pavement.
The scene couldn't have tortured me or my soul more.
He hit the pavement with a hard smack.
I let out an ear piercing scream as my boyfriend hit.
"Fly down there!"
I demanded his uncle. He controlled the dragon, and flew it down there.
He got close enough to the ground when I threw myself off the dragon. I rolled when I hit so I didn't damage myself. A ran over the broken pavement. Bits of concrete sticking out trying to hurt and prevent me from getting to my boyfriend.
I finally made it all the way through the rubble to find him.
Blood starting to pool around his sides.
It looked like he hadn't moved.
I cried out as I sprinted the final distance to him.
He didn't move.
I ran as hard as I could, I slid down while running to I could end up next to him.
It ripped my jeans and cut my knees open.
I didn't care.

I picked up the bloody and broken man that was my boyfriend.
I whispered to him.
His eyelids slowly fluttered open.
He asked.
I nodded.
"Shhhh. Save your breath. Help will come soon."
I hugged him tightly.
He lifted up his arm, probably broken or fractured, and wiped the tears off of my face.
"Lloyd, you romantic."
I said smiling through the tears I didn't even realize I cried.
His blood pooling out at a more rapid rate.
"Lloyd, you're bleeding to death."
I whispered. I had a hard time saying the last word.
"That's not important right now kitten. Will you sing to me?"
He asked.
I looked down to him.
He cracked a smile up at me.
His teeth stained in blood. He had some blood smeared across his perfect features.
I started crying again.
"Please kitten. For me."
He asked. His voice sounding raspy.
I nodded trying to quit the tears coming out.
"What song?"
I choked out.
"You know. My favorite."
He told me as I held his hand and played with his fingers. I laid him back in my arms with his head resting against my shoulder.

"You are my sunshine."
I started singing. Tears streaming down my cheeks at an even more rapid pace than before.
"My only sunshine."
I saw the others running to us from a distance.
"You make me happy."
Kai was leading the pack. Sprinting at a rapid pace.
"When skies are gray."
Lloyd smiled up at me. I remembered a few months ago when we stayed inside and watched it rain one day.
"You'll never know dear."
Kai screamed something at me. I couldn't hear anything. It was just me and Lloyd.
"How much I love."
I remembered our first kiss. A sunny picnic he took me on.
He shut his eyes.
Lloyd's chest was rising and falling less.
"Please don't take my sunshine away."
I sang.
The rise and fall in his chest quit.
I cradled my dead boyfriend in my arms. Silently crying.

Okay, I'll admit I cried while writing this.

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