Chapter 9

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He was only a figure of worship.

The warm, comforting feeling dissipated as I shook my head, leaving me to the static of an exhausted brain. I blinked hard, attempting to bring myself out of my hallucinogenic state and back into the real world around me. That dream was absolutely psychotic. But where was I? This seemed to be happening way more often than usual lately. Looking around the room, I found brown satin curtains and wooden cabinets and shelves. I was sitting on an extremely comfortable bed with a thick wool blanket and a deep purple pillow also made with tightly spun wool. On the bed legs, as I noticed when I leaned over to look, were carved lion's feet and the floor was of a granite tile - most likely from the land of Sasan. Because I had assisted Cordelia in some business trade, I was able to pick up a few things along the way while we were in the kingdom of Balbad.

Across the room, the door appeared locked but the window-sills remained free of any bars or metal. Lifting up the blanket, I found that so were my ankles! I felt light. The heavy chains had not been placed back after my fight . . .

Gods . . . that fight. I had won, but how? The entirety of the battle felt like a blur, like a memory that one remembers but cannot describe. What was that magic I had demonstrated? I knew of magic, but I had no idea I was capable to that extent. And I had won solely on that, why had I not charged with foul-play? My thoughts were interrupted when the door softly opened with a squeak. My (E/c) eyes shot to the corner of the room. In walked a reasonably heightened boy, probably only a few years older than I, but . . . I recognized this kid! It was the purple haired nuisance from the market a while ago. The one from the auction!

I sat up as quickly as I could, bowing my head in silent fear and anticipation, keeping my eyes down in my lap.

It was awkwardly silent for a moment as I heard him walk toward me, "No need, here, you're free," I could see his legs at the edge of the bed, his hand lifted my chin, "Keep those confident eyes up. I hope that the floor isn't as interesting as I am~!"

I mentally rolled my eyes and scoffed, keeping my face as emotionless as possible, "I think that the Sasanian tile had far more of a story to tell that that pretty face of yours, sir." I clasped the bridge of my nose as I held back a smirk. 'Shit ' I thought, 'Not the best idea.' I had no clue who this 'Sinbad' was, but I really did hope that if he was here then maybe the other boy - the one with the dusty white hair - would be as well.

"You've got quite a mouth, kid. You'll get along with a friend of mine." He chuckled and hopped on the edge of the bed, crossing his legs like a child. His weight made my person bounce slightly, "But I do actually have some great news for you." I perked up my head, cocking it to the side in confusion.

"What do you mean, sir?" I asked. I received a questioning look, his eyebrows rising with his gleaming eyes and a slight smile.

"Sinbad, please. Call me Sinbad." He sighed, shaking his head, "I've talked with Cordelia Lenon, and we've come to an agreement." My heart began to pound in my ears as I realized what was going on. Was I being sold again?

"We've agreed that she will give you to me for 50,000 gold pieces."

I was right.

"But there's a catch, no chains required," He smiled, "Literally." Sinbad grabbed my hand, "You are to travel the world with me and my team." This boy was filled with such a . . . joyous yet undermining energy.

'Wait . . . what?'

As though there was a small hind of evil in his wonderful words, "Got it?"

"I'm sorry, but say that one more time," I stuttered, not believing what I was hearing.

He looked me in the eye, "You're free."

Almost immediately, my hand flew to my mouth, tears exploding from my eyes. I . . . was free? Having no idea how to honestly react, I doubled over smiling and sobbing, "I never thought the day would come." Was all I could choke out as I cried. All these years, and suddenly, it lands in my hands, "Thank the Gods." I coughed, looking up at this purple haired boy, "Th-thank you." Wiping my face of my tears, I sighed, absorbing the information.

"I was a slave once, as well." Sinbad remarked, "I want you to know, that if you ever need help with anything here, just let me know - my door is always open." So, he understood the nightmares and pain. I smiled, overcome rightfully by my emotions.

"I would greatly appreciate that." Was all I could think to say. Though I kept my eyes down out of habit, I knew that I was one step closer to escaping my fate.

A moment later, the door opened and in walked the white-haired boy. The one with practically glowing green eyes and company uniform. An unknown feeling rose to my chest, almost like anxiety. It fluttered like the golden butterflies around me.

"Sin, have you told her?" He asked, standing next to his friend. My eyes remained locked with his as Sinbad chuckled, "Yes, I have." His purple hair swung as he turned to face me, "And I think she's quite pleased."

I laughed, "That is an understatement, sir."

Sinbad stood, "Well, I have some things to finish attending to. Ja'far will keep you company for a while until I get things sorted out with Cordelia." He gave a wide-toothed smile, and quietly told this boy - Ja'far, as I had now learned- something before walking out of the room. The door closing after his heel.

Ja'far replaced Sinbad's spot on the bed, "How are you feeling?" He asked, "That fight was really something."

I brought my legs into a criss-cross, "It really was, sir." I sighed, "I'm fine, thank you."

His head tilted to the side, "You don't need to be so formal with me," I nodded and rested my arms on my knees, "So, (Y/n), will you tell me about yourself?" He inquired.

I laughed, "Sure." I thought for a moment, not knowing what to say, "Well, I love (F/c) and (F/f). I haven't really had a chance to explore my interests over the course of my life, but I enjoy what I know about magic." His face was solemn and he apologized to me, "I hope that we can find some things while you're here with us." He said.

I smiled, "Yes."

I felt something in me break as I felt the words slip from my mouth, "My homeland, (C/n). I remember it was beautiful, the land stretched for miles and the sky was always set a deep, wonderful color as the sun fell." I looked to the corner of the room, zoning out as words escaped me, "I remember my people and my culture, some of it remains a blur - like a dream - but it's all an energy that I will never forget." My eyes locked with his, "It's merely fragments of what I once remembered, but it's all I have left."

Ja'far nodded, "I grew up in something similar to you, forgetting who you are is truly like death." He didn't say anything else about his past but asked me to team him more about my home and the (C/p) people. So, we talked for what felt like hours. Home. Family. Friends.

"And I told her that throwing her shoes in the well was a bad idea, but she did anyway. Aliya didn't find out for about . . . three years, maybe?" We laughed and continued to focus on our positive stories.

"Okay, my turn." Ja'far laughed, "One time, we were stuck in Artymera waiting for the queen and Sinbad got stuck on the door." He paused, "I'm always telling him he needs to cut his hair, but does he listen to me? No."

I nodded and smiled, "You know, (C/n) may have been pillaged, but I like to think that we still live there. That our traces still remain in the land," I scratched at an itch on the side of my face, "I remember a large temple, " I said slowly, "One with murals and treasures, it was bright and warm and calming. My family helped run it." Ja'far nodded with understanding and I continued.

"The temple itself was said to have grown from the ground, and with it, our god, Tiras. He is a prominent figure of worship within the (C/p) people, " I stopped, "An all powerful being of light and illusion. It is through it we perform our magic and rites."

Ja'far nodded and we talked for what seemed forever.

'I think I'm going to like it here.'


'(Y/n), I can't wait to get to know you.'

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