Chapter 7

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I stumbled on my feet as thoughts swirled around my head, how did I end up here? My heart thumped loudly in my ears as I took another step forward, and another; keeping up with the man holding my heavy, rusty chains in his hands. I watched as he set them down on a table in the corner of the room. I stayed silent.

"I know you're wondering why you're here, hm?" He began as he sorted through a tall rack full of sharp weapons, "Master Dolus sent you here as a test for your life," He smiled at the thought, "He did this with Ms.Cordelia's last slave," he took a sheath out from the bottom of the rack and placed it on the floor before going back to look for the weapon.

"You should have seen the bastard's face when he went into the arena!" He chuckled sickly to himself as he found what he was looking for, "You know," He said as he turned around,

"He sent you here to die."

A sickening feeling swelled in my stomach, but my eyes laid on the sword. It was silver and thin and a short handle with a lion's head rested on the hilt. Markings ran down the blade and stopped before the tip of the curve. (A/N: a picture of the blade is above with the video)

He raised the blade in his hand and twirled it a few times, as if getting ready to fight, but instead he grabbed the blade gently and held the weapon in his hands, "This is a 'Flyssa', beautiful weapon from a village in Heliohapt. Use at your own discretion." With that, he twirled the blade around and handed me the hilt.

As I took it, my eyes wandered about the markings. They were similar to the ones gracing my cheeks, this blade was not from Heliohapt; but from (C/n)! My fingers ran across the blade, my mouth twitching into one of the first smiles I had had in awhile. Something in my mind sparked, and it was as if I knew what I had to do, but I didn't know what! This sword was . . . special.


The time had come to go out into the arena, my nerves were on fire and the blood seemed to leave my head. Taking a deep breath, I stepped forward. My feet moving on their own, the light streamed into my face; causing me to squint. The arena went silent as my body came into their view, some booed and some cheered for my victory, but my eyes met only one person; Dolus Zenon. I glared at him, hoping that he could feel the anger I was sending in his direction. Oh, I wasn't going to lose; granted I was terrified at my current situation, but that bastard wasn't going to get this way this time.

Maybe I was ready for this, and maybe I wasn't; but either way, I had to fight for my life.

The announcer stood at the balcony, signalling for the crowd to be silent, "Today has been quite the spectacle! But for our last fight of the day, we would like to welcome you to watch the battle of the century!"

The crowd cheered, and as soon as they quieted down, he continued, "Today we witness a showdown of a small (C/p) and Lenos; a fanaris!", The man's obnoxious voice continued to ring through the air, "How will it go down? We'll see."

I was fighting a fanaris?

Sweat dripped down my face as a chill fell down my spine, "Shit." I whispered. The crowd around me went up in a fury as a tall, built man emerged from the other side of the arena. His short, messy red hair practically glowing. His lip stud; like mine, gave off a glare as he was met with the sunlight. We walked to the center of the ring, eyes glued to each other.

"(C/p), huh? Don't think I've ever met one face to face." His gravelly voice sung, licking his lips. His figure leaned to the side cockily. His eyes lazily looked down at me, his hand hooked on the belt of his scabbard.

"Fanaris, don't think I've ever been good friends with one." I retorted, cocking my head to side. A small smirk gracing my features.

We both shared a laugh, "You're a slave to then?" He asked. I nodded, "Feels good to walk without metal weighing me down." I clicked my tongue, trying not to look terrified. I could tell that this man was tired, neither of us wanted to fight.

The referee made his way to where we stood, "You know the rules, Lenos." Lenos nodded, his posture becoming more serious, " You, however, do not." The referee stared at my with intentive eyes, "I'm going to say this once, no foul play. You win when your opponent is unconscious or dead." I nodded, giving Lenos a slightly fearful glace; he nodded his head grimly.

I scoffed quietly to myself, turning my attention back to the referee, "Yessir." My eyes gave the ground a solemn glare, anxiety swirled in my stomach as I gave one last thought to the universe.

'Get me through this.'


We stood a few feet apart, waiting for the other to begin attacking. Circling around eachother, I breathed out the last of my nerves. Lenos drew a giant broadsword, I twirled the flyssa in my hand. Growing impatient, Lenos walked forward soon growing into a sprint. His blade rose over my head and dropped down heavily. I moved, evading every strike aimed towards me. My feet moved as quickly as his strikes, our blades clashed and deflected each other. Without much thought, I swerved the flyssa and spun around. I ran around him, his blade skillfully following me. And soon we were caught in a stand still, his sword pushing against mine. There was fire in his eyes and adrenaline in mine.

"The markings on your face are enough proof of your people's amazing gift."  Yunan's voice rang through my head.

I blew the hair out of my face, using the force of his blade to help my flip myself over his person. My feet went over my head as I landed on the ground lightly and ran back at him, sword swinging over my head. I yelled, bringing the blade down; causing him to trip on his feet and the referee yelled for us to stop.

I backed up and the man declared it was an accidental fall. Lenos stood and picked up his blade, breathing heavily. He blinked a few times giving me a subtle nod. My hand clenched onto the sword with a death-like grip, biting my lip. What was Yunan talking about?

As the referee gave the okay, I was the first one to attack. I swung at him, but this time, letting the light reflect off of it to momentarily blind him. He cried out and stumbled back. My feet rose into the air as I kicked him in the head, using my blade as momentum to spin back onto the ground. Lenos' head flung forward as he coughed, wiping his mouth of the blood that had run down his chin. My feet moved one after another, and I ran around him landing strikes whenever I could, he was on the defense.

"The power and speed to control light and heat."

Something in me clicked and I stood still, waiting for Lenos to strike at me. As he did so, I stepped to the side, watching as his sword hit the ground. My eyesight turned and my vision seemed doused in an electric blue. I held off Lenos' attacks as I held my hand out to my side, creating a small bubble of light as I did when I did my small morning ritual.

I felt as though I was in a trance, my hand went to his forehead and pressed the ball of light into his head. He swung but I was behind him, it was as though I was transporting. This went on, and on; and Lenos' strikes began to lose bite.

"Longissimus dies cito conditur." I whispered.

My sword glowed, the marking turning a bright blue, Lenos swung and hit the flyssa which melted through his blade with the heat from my weapon. He stared at the melted piece of metal in his hand with wide eyes and fear. His face shot up to me and he gasped and stumbled back; falling over. I moved to him, my sword losing it's glow and heat. Now cold metal, I placed it against his throat. He gulped, his eyes rolling into the back of his head. Lenos' body went unconscious. I had won!

Stumbling away from his limp body, I dropped my sword and fell to my knees. The arena was silent, the crowd in shock. I breathed heavily and raggedly, gasping for release from the intense adrenaline high. The small butterflies flew around me, and the crowd soon erupted into screams and cheers. Up in the balcony, other Fanaris stood; clearly impressed with the skill they had just witnessed.

Standing, my eyes wandered the crowd until I found Dolus. He glared daggers into my skull, and I smirked haughtily back at him.

"Now I'm the monster in your nightmares," I laughed, even though he couldn't hear me, "You don't always get what you want, Dolus."

'Was this the fate Yunan was talking about? '


Escaping Fate - Ja'far X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now