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1. I do not own any Marvel characters 

2. Do not steal my plots or any of my characters, plagiarism is the word you are looking for with the definition: the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own. It is ILLEGAL.

3. If you aren't a fan of fanfiction, this isn't the story for you.

4. If you would like to include an OC of mine, I would politely ask that you message me firsthand before including a character that belongs to me into your story. If I say no, yet you still choose to be a thief, then I will be pissed and will remind you of plagiarism.

5. This story has some mild and sometimes strong language so if you are bothered by bad language words, this isn't the story for you.

6. No author is the definition of perfection, in which means I will always make a mistake. I ask that you do not be childish or rude if you notice one. Maturely, replied to the mistake and/or message me. 

7. This is my story. If you do not like what I did with the plot or you don't like the story in general--then you can simply stop reading and not waste time by being toxic. 

Thank you and onto My Tabby.

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