Chapter 9

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I sat on the wooden floor with my arms wrapped around my knees, in an endless loop thinking about what I had said to my mother before she left. I've been waiting for my parents to walk through the door for two days now. I just wanted them to come back so I could apologize to my mother for crossing a line that should never be crossed.

My gaze was fixated on the activities of Asgard from my window, with my left temple pressed against the glass. I haven't left this spot unless I had to eat and go to the bathroom, because I wanted to see them come home to feel better about this whole situation. Despite what I had said, It was the only thing I am worried about. I know my parents are skilled warriors, that's a fact; nothing seems to even leave a scratch on their skin. When they come home from their battles, they are smiling ear to ear as they appear the same as when they had left; which allows me to be less pessimistic.

I continued to observe all the asgardians doing their daily routine of shopping, watching plays, conversing, and scurrying to their destined locations to create piles of people pushing past one another and loud chattering that I could hear through the thick walls briefly. A familiar face peered from the crowd of people, and I leaned forward towards the window to get a better look. Heimdall's jaw was clenched along with his fist as he walked to my house.

I felt my skin go pale, and my gaze had become unfocused. Heimdall came to a stop to see me in the window, and his face softened into a sullen expression knowingly. I felt the tears embrace my cheeks as they flowed down to my neck or dropped onto my legs, and I looked down with my chin vibrating.

Heimdall never came to my house, and there was only one reason to why he showed up today.

* * *

With my fist dug underneath my armpits, I sat in the corner of the library staring blankly at the designed wall in front of me. The gloomy feeling overwhelmed me, and I sniffled as a flash of my new and now gone, deceased friend with her blood sinking into the ground stared lifeless back at me. My chest would jump up rapidly from endorsing every wrong thing that had occurred last night, teardrops danced together as they merged to represent a gruesome song.

I heard a whoosh to my right, and my lips pursed knowingly. As much as I wanted to be alone to blame myself and mourn over something I found annoying, I knew there was no such thing as alone when you were in the same building as Doctor Strange. 

I heard his light footsteps tap on the floor as he crept towards me, but I didn't dare to even blink in his direction. "I know, I look pathetic." I muttered with a slight crack from the sorrow build within me, "You don't need to be here to check on me, I'll be here doing the same damn thing and that's nothing.'

"If I can't check on you," He paused before inching closer. "then can I at least lecture you for being an idiot?" Strange's tone sounded too nonchalant for the words that shot out of his mouth. "I get it, you're in pain. I also get you were in the heat of the moment when she was shot."

My eyes closed from the mention of the traumatizing episode. "You know, when Loki was angry about me being here and not somewhere else.." I finally made eye contact with his blue ones. "I felt relief and guilt in my gut. But, since last night." A tear crept down, dripping onto the floor. "I realized that this is a place that could be as bad as any other shitty planet, possibly worse." I gazed back at the wall.

"Tabitha." Strange said sternly, causing me to look back in his direction. "Whether you like it or not, you're here on Earth. Which means, you cannot use your transformation to kill someone, you're no better than that person then."

I scoffed at his words, "I wasn't going to kill him."

"We both know that's not true!" Strange threw his finger at me and I flinched from his outburst. "You were going to end his life, I didn't need to cheat into the future to see it." He stated matter of fact.

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