Chapter 7

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I woke up with a jolt as I was taken out of my nightmare. I glanced around me to find that everyone was asleep except mum who was making breakfast. I laid back down and looked up at the ceiling. Wolves. Why wolves? I thought back to what I had dreamt and let out a long sigh. This time, the cottage still burned down, but a pack of wolves was waiting for her outside. Weird. I turned on my side to see Merlin sleeping soundly. Deciding not to wake him up, I got out from under my cover and did what I usually do in the morning. Once I was done, I walked over to mum and stood beside her as she put porridge into the bowls.

"Im not hungry this morning," I told her as I gave her a bit of a side hug.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I just don't have an appetite." I told her.

"Alright then," she said with a worried look on her face. I gave her a hug and moved to wake Merlin up.

"Merlin," I said in a sing-song voice. I nugded his side and he let out a groan before turning on his side away from me. "Come on Merlin. Breakfast is ready." I said again, continually poking his side. I didn't want to raise my voice so as not to wake the others. Not yet anyway. He let out another groan. Instead of speaking, I yanked the covers off of him. "Come on you lump. Get up." I said before starting to tickle him. He let out a yelp and moved away from me. He eventually stood so as not to bump into anything.

"That was mean," he said, wiping the sleep from his eyes.

"I did what I had to do," I retorted. I would have said more had mum not spoken.

"Alison? Could you please wake up Gwen and Morgana? Merlin, wake up Arthur please?" She asked. I nodded while Merlin groaned.

"Can't Alison wake up Arthur?" He asked

"Isn't it literally your job to wake him up?" I asked. He just glared and moved to wake up the Prince. I walked over to Gwen first and shook her shoulder lightly. "Rise and shine Gwen,' I said softly. Luckily that was all I had to say before she opened her eyes and nodded. I then went to wake Lady Morgana though I was a bit afraid to. I knealt beside her and hesitated a bit before I gently shook her shoulder. "Rise and shine," I repeated. She too easily woke and nodded.

"Good morning Alison," she said before rising.

"Good morning," I echoed before going to Merlin who seemed to be struggling. "You okay?" I asked

"Help?" He asked

"How do you usually wake him?" I wondered. Did he always have this much trouble?

"I flood his room with light." He replied. At that, I got up and walked over to the door and opened it wide enough for sun rays to flood the entire cottage.

"Morning already?" Prince Arthur asked. I shook my head a bit before going behind a curtain to get ready for the day which took five minutes maximum. When I emerged from the curtain, everyone had taken a seat and ate breakfast. Except for Prince Arthur that is. He was laying with his food more than eating it. I smiled at everyone and went over to where my coat hung.

"Ill be back soon. I just need to go take a bit of a walk." I said to no one in particular. Before I left, Gwen spoke.

"Aren't you going to eat anything?" She asked. I just shook my head.

"I don't have an apetite this morning. Ill see you ll in a bit." I said before leaving and walking around. Its something I usually did in the mornings. As I was walking around, I saw Eliza playing in front of her cottage. She caught my eyes and I waved to her. She waved back with a large grin. I chuckled and kept walking. I walked all the way over to a point where you could see all of Ealdor. The village looked as it did every day. Like there wasn't a large threat looming over their heads. It was a bit weird, un-nerving even.

After a while, I head back home to find Merlin putting on Prince Arthur's armor.

"Feeling better?" Mum asked.

"Definitely." I responded. "Now. Time to gather everyone."

Long time no update. Its going to be a long while before I am able to update again because PSAT's, Regents and Finals are all coming up and I really need to study. Last chapter was pretty crazy and I now know how I want the story to go and what the ending will be like. Im happy to say I have a few drafts made so once those are edited after exams, I CAN GET THOSE UP!

Summer Vacation is also right after Regents Week so I will be able to update a lot. 

Bye for now loves. ❤️

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