Chapter 15

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Alison's POV

"I leave you two alone for five minutes and you nearly manage to destroy the place" Gaius chastised as he looked at the two siblings. Alison had been in Camelot for nearly two months already and wanted to thank Gaius by making a cake for him. It's a shame she didn't know how to make a cake.

"We didn't mean for the mess to happen! Things out of hand" Alison said, looking at the mountain of flour accumulating on the table. She hesitantly looked up at Gaius, but instead of glancing into accusing eyes, she found herself met with soft ones. He looked at her before shaking his head.

"You two are going to make my days more interesting than they already are, aren't you?" He asked chuckling lightly.

"And hopefully, tastier" Merlin commented, picking up the chunky batter. Alison laughed, picking up a handful as well before throwing it in a bin.

"We'll make sure to clean up," but before she could say anything more, Merlin licked his handful and stated "You know, despite the mess, this doesn't taste half bad." She and Gaius made a sour face. Gaius lightly hit Merlin over the head before taking his handful of now bitten batter and throwing it away. Merlin pouted, but began to help Alison clean their failed gesture.

Living in Camelot had been a weird adjustment for Alison, but between working for Morgana and getting Merlin out of trouble, it was a quickly made adjustment. She had even gotten used to Arthur's snide remarks towards Merlin and didn't fear him like she did after what happened in Ealdor. She even starting to engage in friendly banter with him. Alison tried holding a grudge against him but after a few days, she found that she couldn't do it. Despite her sadness, she was able to get over it and move on.

She was thrust out of her thoughts when the door slammed open to reveal an angry looking Arthur. He walked over to Gaius and asked "Have you seen Merlin? He was supposed to be present during training." Alison looked down and saw Merlin hiding under the table. When he saw her looking, he put a finger to his lips, urging her to be quiet. She smirked slightly before continuing sweeping.

"I'm afraid I don't know where he is right now. He was here a moment ago, but seems like he just disappeared" Gaius said, not completely lying to the prince. Arthur looked over to Alison with a raised eyebrow.

"He was supposed to be here cleaning up this mess with me. If you find him, tell him he's in trouble" Alison said, lightly kicking Merlin in the shoulder. Merlin retaliated by grabbing her ankle, but caused the table to shake noticeably. Alison leaned on the table, acting as though she had bumped into it. Arthur frowned slightly at the odd behavior, glancing at her with a raised eyebrow. She simply smiled and looked down, acting embarrassed, but trying to contain her giggles. Gaius shook his head at her again before he spoke up.

"If that's all, I have medicine to deliver"

"Of course" Arthur said. Gaius left and Arthur turned back to Alison, obviously unable to contain his curiosity. "What happened here?"

"I was trying to make something for Gaius as a thank you when Merlin knocked into me and sent everything flying" she said easily. It wasn't a lie, but not the whole truth either. Truth was, she was concentrating on the bowl when Merlin, being an idiot, accidentally cast a spell on the bowl which knocked in out of her hands and sent batter everywhere.

"Of course he did. That brother of yours is clumsier than the town drunk" Arthur said lightly. Alison giggled, unable to contain her laughter at the snide remark. Out the corner of her eye, Alison could see Merlin had managed to crawl to the other side of the room and was making his way to the stairs. Alison got Arthurs attention again, making sure he didn't look anywhere near where Merlin was.

"Does he often forget his duties, or is this new?"

"This happens at least three times a week! It's a wonder I haven't gotten rid of him yet"

"Well, the he's lucky to work for someone so understanding" she replied, knowing full well Merlin disagreed.

"Thats what I tell him, although he's so daft I doubt he can understand" he replied with a smile. Alison giggled at the expense of her brother. Arthur smiled softly at her and took a moment to look at her. She had flour all over her face, but her eyes still shone like sapphires. He walked over to the table, picked up some batter and put it in his mouth. "Not bad."

Alison wrinkled her nose once again and muttered "you boys are all the same, sticking uncooked thing in your mouths. How do you know that isn't going to make you sick?" She said, both amused and disgusted.

"Its a risk i'm willing to take" he said before walking back to the door. "If you do see Merlin, tell him to come to my chambers immediately." Arthur said before exiting. Alison looked at the door for a moment longer before heading to their shared room. She sat next to her brother who shoved her lightly.

"Did you have fun making jokes about me?"

"Absolutely. Did you have fun dodging your responsibilities?"

"Its better than being their punching bag" he said, shuddering exaggeratedly. The siblings laughed before Alison stood and pulled Merlin up with her.

"Now, I am going to go finish cleaning up and you are going to go to work" she said. Merlin groaned, not wanting to go face the prince.

"I really don't want to go" he complained, pouting like a child.

"Well that's too bad. Now go" she said, pushing Merlin towards the door. He opened it, but then turned.

"How about, I clean up and you deal with Arthur. At least he won't torture you."

"Absolutely not" Alison remarked before throwing a pillow at him which he ducked before heading out. 

Hey Y'all! It's crazy that I spent days trying to figure out how to write this chapter, but it only took 30 minutes (including three revisions) to get this chapter written once I had the right beginning. 

I decided that for the sake of the story, I am going to be adding in my own original pieces and bring more OC's into the mix to make things more interesting. Events from the show are also going to happen in a slightly different order, but the chronological changes won't be huge so they should be virtually unnoticeable. 

Finally, I know that right now, the world seems all types of screwed up. This virus has claimed numerous lives and has put the whole world on pause. I hope all of you are staying indoors, staying safe, and remain healthy. I live in New York and things are pretty crazy here. This quarantine has 1) taught me how to spell quarantine, 2) focus on my self care, and 3) engage more with my writing. I am hoping to get more chapters out soon. As always, comments, requests, and constructive criticism is always appreciated and welcome. Stay safe everyone. Love ya!

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