You're prettier than I imagined!

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(A/N: ok so in this chapter I wrote some really shitty smut bcz I'm new to it 😂 and I watched King Cobra a few hours ago so I wrote some 😂😂😂 parts in it😂 I wasn't ready but..sure😂)

"Ladies and Gentlemen can I have your attention please!" She said in the mic. Everyone looked over to her.

"Unfortunately Mr. Cavanaugh had to attend a very important and urgent meeting so he won't be here for the rest of the night so I..Emily Fields is your new host for tonight. I hope you enjoy our hospitality. Thanks for the attention!" she concluded raising her glass.

She got off the stage smiling when she saw a blonde getting in the elevator up to Toby's apartment. She ran and got in immediately, stopping the elevator.

"What the hell are you doing here Alison?" she asked her, enraged.

"I'm here for Toby" she replied casually.

"He's not interested in any of your bullshit Alison!"

"I'm not gonna let him fuck that slut!" she said.

"That's none of your business who he fucks!"

"I'm gonna tell her who he is!" she smirked.

"You're a writch!" she shouted.

"What's that?"

"Ask Dylan__Tyler" 😂😂😂

"Oh okay..I will" she replied.

"I'm not gonna let you go up!"

"Whatever Emily..You can't always stop me! I'll get to him eventually"

"You wish! Bitch" she said as she watched her walk away.


"Are you going to.."

"Make love to you? Yes!" he whispered aiming his hands at her blouse and she smiled in answer.

Spencer's P.O.V

I never made love before..actually nobody ever made love to me but he felt different than all the other men who fucked me, maybe because he don't know who I am..yet. There was, between us, a weightless, seamless desire. I leaned in and kissed him, I was going out of mind thinking I could do that and at first he was slow in his response, and then he was pulling up my blouse, pushing down my bra cups to free my breasts then he threw me on the bed playfully trailing kisses on my body and pulled down my panties with his teeth. I giggled when he tickled my body. There was a newness to our union, not even that kiss will be able to compare to this. He took off his coat and unbuttoned his shirt as it fell to the floor I saw a scar on his chest, examining it, thinking how he might got it but now wasn't the time because scars are often the heavy burdens we carry on our bodies, some are physical some are emotional, eternal! and I know mentioning this will might cause this night to end right here and I can't let that happen. Despite of a heavy burden on my mind and heart about my identity is eating me alive, my inner slut is awake and she's pushing me to do something I might regret but I can't resist him anymore. I had always thought the expression "making love" a little maudlin but lying underneath him, both of us smiling, my body suffused with peace, I thought how apt it was, that expression "making love." There was an awakening in my body, even in those parts of my body that had always been numb. I wanted to tell him, "I don't deserve you" but couldn't because I might lose him..but lose him? He was never mine. It's just the heat of the moment for him and he'll forget it in the morning. He will! Like other men do..did!

He put his head between my legs, nuzzling at first. His lips, then his tongue, he struck fire. I had to cry out in astonishment, in gratitude at being touched in that right place. That strange feeling: gratitude and hunger when he sucked and his tongue played with my sweet spot, teasing me, turning me on.

"You taste so good" he teased me with his tongue again.

My hunger was being teased but it also felt like a punishment. I saw a flame trying to catch; I heard it, there was something I was after, something I was trying to achieve, and there was always the danger that I'd miss it, I wouldn't find it, or get hold of it. The terrible moment when you're afraid you won't, you'll lose it, it won't work, you won't work, it is unworkable and you are very, very desperate just like I was. At the same time, you want to stay in this place of desperation... at the same time, you're saying to yourself, you're almost there, you're almost there, you can't possibly lose it now, keep on, keep on a bit longer, you are nearly there, I know it, don't give up, you cannot lose it. Then suddenly you're there. I felt this for the first time in my life. He saw my face and made a weird eye contact with me as he pushed his fingers in me.

"Toby!" I cried out as I felt like I'm close and he cupped my face before doing anything further, slightly kissing me on my head. I could feel him smile in my hair. My scalp burned as he trailed down passionate kisses on it. I was so close. I could feel it but maybe too shy to say him 'Let me cum' He continued fingering me and I rolled my eyes on the back of my head without realizing I was doing it.

"You ready?" he asked when he pulled out his skilled hands. I nodded because I wasn't able to utter a word.

He caressed my breasts. I saw the hunger in his eyes, the ocean eyes I could even drown in.

"Oh God! You're prettier than I imagined" he gasped in surprise.

"Y-you what?"

"Long story" he sealed his lips on mine and I could feel him smiling. "We'll talk about it later..right now! you're so close I can't tease you anymore" he smirked.

How did he know that I'm close? I smiled listening to him. He took off his pants and he was fully naked just like I was and all I could see was his massive erection and I lost my breath on the sight. It was by far the biggest I've seen in my whole life. I was getting wet just by the sight of how big he was. I never like this word but I had to admit. He was 'Beautiful' and I was losing my mind. He wasted no further time and pushed me down on the bed, spreading my legs. I could feel him smiling between my thighs. He got up and aimed it on the entrance. I gasped when he went in for the first time. I screamed and moaned at the feel.

I couldn't get enough of him. I was tired and sore maybe but I didn't care. I didn't want to sleep. I wanted the ache. I wanted him in me, all the time. His weight on top of me. I wanted to squeeze him in further and further.It felt like I can't stop. I wanted to watch his expressions like he did mine when he went in. I wanted to watch his sweat dropping. I got on top of him. I'd never done it before. I couldn't really believe it; I was doing this. I was inventing something. I held him and put him in. He felt deeper in me. He moaned and caressed my breasts. I was in charge and he liked it, he was smiling. I held his hands down and he smirked. I let my tits touch his face. He went mad; he bucked and split me in two. I pushed down. I couldn't believe it. One of his fingers flicked over my buttocks. I did it to him. He lifted and heaved. I couldn't believe it. There was no end to it, no end to the new things and I loved it.


He covered her naked body with a sheet. He was smiling reviewing the night in his mind. He kissed on her forehead, picked her up and carried her to another bedroom which he thought will be a surprise for her when she'll wake up.

*phone chimes*

Did you tell her who you are before you fucked her?

I bet she'll run off when she'll know what a beast you are!

-Ali. D

His expressions changed and the soft smile turned into a cold and hard expression. He got up and sat on the bed beside her where she was sleeping. His eyes turned dark and a sly appeared.

"I'm not gonna let you go..No matter what!" he stroked her hair strands from her face.

Dun! Dun! Dun! Early update for you guys...Because I love you all! xoxo


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