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He reached back to his home where he left her to take care of Alison and her devious plans. He sighed looking at himself in the mirror. Asking himself how? How could you do that? How could you lie to her like this? She will be broken when she'll know but..! Is she even interested in being with you? Is it just a one or two time thing? Or just a hookup? Does she even want to know the truth? He talked to himself a little, trying to convince himself that if you don't want her to go..You will tell the truth! But what if she hates you after? He was still in a state of dilemma. After a long discussion with himself he reached the result of telling her eventually but piece by piece, bit by bit. Slowly he'll uncover the dark parts of his past to her.  

"Hey you're up?" he said on the sight of her standing beside the lounge window, caressing her fingers on her forehead due to headache. Her eyes were reflecting a frustrated expression mixed with horror and sorrow. He wasn't able to put two and two together in that moment, thought that this was just an ordinary sadness that is maybe because of what happened in the morning.

" was a quick nap" she smiled. "Where have you been?"

"I was just taking care of something" he said caressing her face. "How are you feeling?" his eyes were crinkling with lust as his hands traveled from her face to her neck despite of the feelings of guilt he was ready..again!

"I'm um okay! I guess" she said. "D-did you f-find out who s-send that picture?" she asked with hesitation in her tone and terror in her eyes, shaking unfeelingly and heart still pounding.

"Yeah! I was-it was some boy messing with people with disturbing pictures but it's okay" he cupped her face closer to his lips. "I took care of that" he lied, biting her lower lip. "You don't have to worry anymore" he bite on it again and licked her lips. He was aroused with a mixed expression of guilt but he wanted the moment to go on. Both of them were hiding something big from each other..a secret as big as their identities.

The heat was getting intense as the moment proceeded. She was craving him, again! she was a slut after all. Her body ached for him. He was getting pretty heated too. His hands slipped under her dress, feeling her wetness as his mouth wrestled with her neck. She moaned like crazy and he humped her body on the table, smashing her intentionally and stared into her eyes lustfully as he unbuckled his belt and then picked her up and carried her to a room, unlocking the door and slamming her on a bed unfamiliar to her.

Her eyes were wide opened as she sat up looking at some queer and dangerous looking tools which filled the room. A little confused, a little terrified rotating her head watching the room, trying to tell herself that this isn't what she thinks it is or is it?

"Toby?" she gave her a questioning look, waiting for an explanation. 

"I-I've been trying to tell you something S-Spencer..." he said looking down. 

She tilted her head a little down waiting for him to say something and explain but all he was doing is sighing uncontrollably.

"I'm a sadist!" he spat looking at her and she turned her head up to him. 

"He told me he is a sadist!" Aria said sipping her tea and adjusting her curls.

"He's a what?" Hanna and Spencer asked in confusion listening to the strange word.

"He likes to torture woman during sex..." she whispered.

"What?" Spencer said making a disgusting face. "What's more torturing than sex?"

"Well you think that because you have to do it for money's sake but other people do it for pleasure"

"He's a freak" Hanna spat.

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