I just felt it too soon.

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You guys choose Prostitute, Devil in disguise and His submissive. Thanks.

This is like so..so rushed but the next chapter is a bomb..I promise.

"Wanna go somewhere?" he said playing with her hair as he watched her little lying figure on him.

"I-I don't f-feel like it...I feel so tired" she mumbled under her breath, bringing her face close to his naked chest.

"I think there's a place" he said breaking the comfortable silence, still playing with her hair and pushing her even more closer so her perfect little body is on top of his muscular figure. "I-I go there to clear my mind and whenever I don't feel good.." he said in an almost inaudible voice. "And when I'm stuck between Do's and Don'ts" he blurted finally and her head sprat up to look at him with a little expression of guilt plastered on her face.

"What makes you feel that I'm stuck" her confused and scared glare shot up. "I-I'm just a-a little sick..that's all" she scoffed in guilt.

"Yeah I-I mean you know! Sometimes y-you just need to clear your head" he sighed, not showing her that her secrecy mission failed. "Like you want to say or do something but you're stuck on a line so thin that both ways are ravine" he said looking down but on the other hand her breathing quickened.

"I'm not STUCK!" she blurted. "Stop using that word!"

"Hey! I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bother you. I'm sorry if I said something I wasn't supposed to" he sighed looking at her tensed expressions and realized that maybe they were just hormones playing with her but he has to wait until she finally spill the beans but the real question that spiraled in his mind was why she was still hiding the news?

There was an uncomfortable silence in the room and he was staring at her stomach unintentionally until she got up and started getting dressed and he once again he stared at her little figure standing there naked. She zipped up her dress and threw his shirt on his face.

"Get dressed and let's go!" she said with an attitude.

"W-where a-are we going?" he asked taking his shirt off of his face. 

"To the place where you go to clear your HEAD!" she said furiously and drifted out of the room grabbing her heels in her hands. "Because you think I'm fucking STUCK somewhere" she mumbled under her breath.

He just smiled looking at the scene. She was surely cranky and a little bit furious too and he understands why but for one thing he was still in a state of shock by her reaction and secrecy. What should he do? Open up to her? that he knows what shes been keeping from him? Or just wait? 

She was never good at keeping secrets but this time it wasn't just a secret. It was her identity, the truth about her extant, and now she had to conceal her feelings about something else too. Something that was big enough to shake her existence, kill her and bring her back to her miserable life again. She's been through that once but no one is that strong to go through what happened once with her, again!

The little drive up the lookout point was silent and full of thoughts. Both of them were trying to comprehend the little and big details of their possibly changing lives ahead. He was happy but her secrecy was killing him. All his deadly thoughts end at additional questions rambling in his mind 'Whether she wants to keep it or not?' 'Is it the time to tell her?' 'How will she react?' 'Is it too soon?' 'Why is she so scared to tell him?' On the other hand she was just thinking about protecting the life that was growing inside her. She wanted to do everything to keep it safe but her life wasn't that easy. She was someone she wasn't and that was one big problem.


"What are you so upset about?" he asked looking a very worried Noel pacing around the room. 

"I don't-I don't even know if its okay for her to be in this condition or not!" His hands met his head as he buried it in them. "I only had one friend, one person that I could call a family and look what she's going through and I can't even do anything to save her or her child" 

"Noel! We gotta face reality and help her hide this from Rivers as long as we can although there isn't any advantage of this because this is going to get out sooner or later but right now we have to or else he'll kill her baby or worse her too!" he said.

"What kind of trash advice is this?" he scoffed.

"I know its trash and unrealistic but think! Its too soon for Rivers to find out. In the meantime tell Spencer to talk to Toby and tell him"

"I know! I will do anything I can to save her" he sighed. "But-but she has to tell Toby about this and when I say TELL HIM! It means everything about her..Everything!"


The point was steep and sloppy. It was impossible for her to walk on it with heels without ending up on her ass some miles away. He grabbed her hands and dragged her along with him until she spoke up.

"I can't do this!" she blurted as he turned around.

"What?" he frowned casually.

"I-I ca-can't walk on this! I'm-I'm afraid of heights..I-I'll fall" she nervously said playing with her hair. 

He just looked at her for a split second and smiled as she looked down at the ground, unsure of what to say or do when he suddenly pulled her closer to his chest.

"Do you trust me. Spencer!" he blurted. "Look at me" he stretched her face up to look her in the eye. "Do you trust me?" he asked again.

"I do!" she replied instantly hugging him tightly.

"I love you Spencer" he picked her up in his arms, on the steep sloppy ground, balancing her on his soul and lifting up her small little frame with big sorrows and shifted her to the even ground.

Her face turned red and then pale, not comprehending what she just heard made her eyes water. She always wanted to hear this but another thing that was always stuck in her mind broke her heart once again 'He is not mine! He'll never be'

"Wh-what? Di-did I said it too soon?" he noticed the sweat and worried expressions on her face and was afraid that he might scared her. That maybe she isn't ready for this kind of commitment yet. Her silence crushed him.

"N-no!" she whispered. 

"I-I said it t-too soo-soon. right?" he said again, bending his head down.

"NO! You didn't!" she shouted, on the verge of tears. "I just-I just felt that too soon" she whispered.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2018 ⏰

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