Chapter Thrity-Nine: Do You Know Where Your Children Are?

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My mom once told me that when she was little (during the 60s) a segment would come on at 10 pm. "It's 10 o'clock, do you know where you're children are?" It's also that way in the Sims 3 too! If a teenaged sim is out by ten, a police car comes and escorts them back home. This is also partly inspired by the YJ episode when kids and adults are separated (you know the one!) and partly inspired by HopeWayne idea. Same thing XD

Birdie's POV
C'mon Birdie! THINK! You can do this, just open the portal and get them back. I can hear fighting... what is going on over there?! How did I get myself into this mess?!

~3 days ago~

Birdie's POV
It was supposed to be a successful mission, but it didn't turn out that way. We were fighting Wotan, but it turned south. Zelda and Ambrosia were trying to hold him off, but to no avail.
"Ugh... we can't hold off any longer!!!" Ambrosia shouted as she tried to hold him off with all her might, her sister by her side. We could do nothing but stand there and watch.
"Quick!! We need to think of a-" Scar was interrupted by a spilt second of white light. Then, I was standing the Watchtower, standing in front of the Justice League and my family.
"Birdie?! Are you alright? What are you doing here? Where is everyone else?" My mother seemed to asking a million questions per second, but sadly I couldn't answer any of them. It all happened so fast!
"I... I don't know. I know it's a shock that I'm here. Yes, I'm fine. I don't know how I got here, and I don't know where everyone else went. I'm sorry! The last thing I heard was Scar, and then a white light." They listened intently and my mother kept blinking very few seconds trying to comprehend what was happening.
"Where could have they gone?" Miss Martian muttered, thinking aloud. At the sound of the map blinking, Zatanna and Constantine, who were both leaning on opposites of a wall ran into the other room as everyone else followed.
"That's where." Zatanna explained pointing to the map with the location "Earth One". I blinked at the map. Why would Wotan send them there?
"We need a plan." My uncle Tim declared as everyone nodded. I didn't pay attention. I just stared at that map
My friends and cousins were on a different earth and I couldn't do anything. I could've cried right there and then, but I didn't. I had to have hope. Yes. Hope. It was the only thing I had left right now. Suddenly, my phone beeped. I blinked at it. Video chat with Scar? How? She was on a different earth. Despite my worries I clicked accept and saw my cousins and friends looking very revealed that I answered.
"How... how did you contact me?" I questioned.
"Don't know. Wasn't that difficult. Anyway, we're an hour ahead on this earth. Listen, a lot has happened since we fought Wotan." Scar proceeds to tell what happened to them and I gasped.

~Earth One, 1 hour ago~

Scarlett's POV
A couple of minutes ago we were fighting Wotan. But I glanced at my watch. It said it was 11:30 am. One hour had passed. We were standing in front of the Hall of Justice. Well, all of us... except Birdie? Where did she go? I didn't get those questions answered at this time, and I wasn't able to.
"For are you?" I turned to see Raven and Beast Boy standing in front of me.
"Mom? Dad? It's me! I'm so glad you're ok!" Theodosia said as her eyes sparkled with hope. They glanced at each other and gave us a suspicious look.
"We don't have any children. Who are you?" Raven asked and Theodosia's smile faltered and her eyes glazed with tears.
"How can you not remember us?" Tula asked in confusion.
"We're from the Young Justice Team remember? You were on it!" Althea exclaimed pointing at Beast Boy. They still didn't understand.
"That team died a long time ago. Listen, I don't know who you are, but you need to get off this property." Raven explains calmly.
"And if we don't? We're willing to fight if that's what it takes." I explain boldly. She turns and gives me a small smile. Then we fight. However, something clicked while I was fighting. She looks the same as she was when she was teenager. She looked much older last time I saw her..
"WAIT! We're from another earth!!!" I exclaim making her stop and look at me.
"We're from Earth 16. We were sent here by Wotan." I explain calmly and out of breath.
"Can you prove it?" Beast Boy asks from behind Raven.
"I... I can try." I say hesitantly. Then suddenly, Hall of Justice was swarmed with goons. Just great! My friends and I ended up going in different directions.

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