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Chapter 15

I twisted and turned again when I was supposed to be sleeping. What Ama told me yesterday has me worried. It also has me guilty for being safe while....

The hospital was trashed and nobody knows the whereabouts of my coven. I swear if Byron got to them I will personally hunt him down.

I decide to stop trying to fall asleep and I grab the clothes deposited outside my tent. I walk through the forest until I find the camp bathrooms. At least they have plumbing. I push open the green door and turn on the switch.

I walk in and find the corner shower. I strip off my shirt, my pants and the rest. I step into the shower and pull the shower curtain all the way. I turn the knob and the warm water splatters out.

I grab the nearby soap bar and rub it on a personal loofah. I spread the soap on my arms, stomach, legs, back. I stop and let the warm water hit my face. I turn off the water and step out. I wrap the towel around my body.

I move my dark hair away from my face and move closer to the mirror. I take the fog away and stare at my reflection. My hands touch my face, the girl that's looking back at me doesn't look like I remember.

She has bags under her eyes, a serious look to her face. Pale. I lower down my towel to my waist and stare at the rest of myself. I haven't really looked at myself in months.

I go back into the shower and put on the dark jeans, navy blue sweater and converse. I run my hands through my hair, trying to get rid of the tangles. I step out of the bathroom and go back to my tent.

"Ama needs you for the second part of training," Marie voice says behind me. I throw the towel back into the tent and smile at her.

Today she's wearing a blue robe. "Can I at least eat breakfast first?"


I finish up my strawberries as we walk deeper into the forest. "What time do you walk up?" I ask. I jump over a wet log.

"5:30, my mind is programmed like that. I'm the first awake at camp," she looks at me,"Second now." We past Ama's tent. I hope I don't have to go into that library again.

"So... Any boys that you like?" I say slowly. The last thing I want is to know about her love life but if I think of other things I won't think about my coven. Marie blushes and bites her thumbnail.

"Well there is this boy... Jonah. He's a year older than me but when we're doing our camp duties he always smiles at me when I pass by." I laugh, I remember being like that.

"Cute, are you going to ask him out?" Marie gasps and looks at me like i've grown three heads.

"Why? A girl can't ask out a boy!" I put my cold hands into my pockets. I'm probably going to get sick soon.

"Who says? This is the 21st century. I think it's awesome when a girl does it. It takes major balls." I say and cover my mouth my hands.

Marie rolls her eyes,"Trust me i've heard worse and I know but my parents raised me that way. And if that's so why don't you ask out Will?" I tense up and playfully push her. I almost lasted an hour without thinking of him.

I feel the outside of my pocket, I don't know why I took the flower out of my other pants and but it in this one. I looked at it, it's a rose, perfect and with a rich smell. It's magical.

Marie claps her hands together,"So do you like him?" She wiggles her eyebrows

at me. I debate on telling her or not. I don't want to be professing my feelings for him out in the open.

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