Chapter 10 - Official

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Later that day, Erwin ran you through how you were to handle your new title. He would be the one to assign your squad members, but other than that training and organization was mostly your responsibility. You understood everything he asked of you, but once you walked out of his office and laid down in bed, your head started to spin as you tried to drift off to sleep.

The morning after began with you tingling with both excitement and nerves, wondering who your new squad members would be, and how they'd react to being under your command. You cringed internally at the thought of them rejecting your presense, the one thing you feared the most from the instance you had even got to the Survey Corps. You shook off the haunting feeling creeping up your body.
You walked down the stairs with a new air of confidence, determined to make a serious yet welcoming impression.

Walking into the cafeteria, it was clear the rumor had gotten around that somebody was getting promoted. Every conversation you heard had something to do with the new Squad Leader, but you were determined to stay calm and collected the whole day, especially during the announcement.
Breakfast came and went, and your friends at the table chatted about the rumors as well. You stayed silent, but you smirked internally the whole time as you played along with their speculations.
It wasn't until right before training started that Erwin showed up, calling you to his side. You knew what was going to happen, and your feathers tingled with nerves as you maintained a profesional looking gaze and stance. Next, you saw him call one by one the attention of other soldiers. To your delight, you saw Sasha, Jean, and Eren get called up in front of you, all showing curiosity as they observed your position next to the Commander. The tall man cleared his throat.

"Scouts, you were made aware before that you'd be switched out of your current squads. Now, I'd like to introduce you to your new Squad Leader, (Y/n)."

The three widened their eyes, glancing between you and the commander as your lips curled into a slight friendly smile, but trying your best to remain professional for the sake of the Commander's presence. Though, you did sneak a joking wink at Sasha, which she returned with sticking out her tongue.

"I figured having a smaller squad would help you adjust to things better; less things to worry about at once." Erwin stated. You nodded your head in acknowledgement. The three swiftly saluted you, smiles creeping onto their faces knowing that they're knew Leader was a trusted friend. You returned with a confident smirk. Erwin appeared pleased at the instant connection, cracking his own smile.

" I look forward to seeing you work together, good luck." He said. You hummed out a thank you as he walked back into HQ, then turned your attention back to your new squad members. Eren was the first to comment.

"So, Squad Leader (Y/n), huh? It has a nice ring to it." He said as he crossed his arms. Jean snorted.

"I hope you don't go acting all high and mighty on us." Jean remarked, leading you to lightly punching his arm with a smirk.

"I wouldn't dare, horse-face." You replied, walking ahead of the group as you gestured with an arm for them to follow.
"C'mon, let's get some training done."

"Yeah! Let's get strong and stuff!" Sasha cheered, jumping ahead to catch up with you. You were glad they were welcoming, their happiness radiating off of you as well.

But, that didn't mean you were gonna go easy on them during training.

"Alright everyone, warmups! 10 laps!"


The day ended swiftly, the transition between trainee to trainer being surprisingly easy. Your squad members complained you weren't cutting them slack for being your friend, but it was all in good fun as you pushed them to their limits to improve. You never realized just how fun and rewarding it was to guide them through their journey of getting stronger and more skilled, almost like how you'd learned to develop your skills when you were young and alone in the Underground. However, after all that you realized you were focusing a lot on the others, and not so much your own improvement. So, you decided to go for a brisk flight after everyone had cleared, the evening sun casting soft light on the forest surrounding the training grounds.

:Soar: - Levi X Winged!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now