6. Wolves

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*Katelyn's POV*

Why is she so beautiful? She could easily get anything she wanted and she is Aaron's twin. Then there's just me. A light blue haired girl called Katelyn who has a massive crush on Casanova boy, Travis.

"Hey Aph. I need your help." I said as I walked into the house.

"What do you need help with Katelyn?" Aph asked me.

"Well. I like a guy... but he likes another girl..." I start.

"Are you talking about Travis?" Aph asked.

"No!" She gave me a look. "Okay fine. Yes."

She started squealing. Like legit Kawaii~Chan screech. I even had to cover my ears.

"I knew it!" Aph shouted.

"Geez. No need to screech." I said.

"Right. So... you like Travis but you think that he like another girl. Lemme guess, Y/N?" She said.

"Well... yes. Because they always flirt and it's just horrible to look at." I said.

"Katelyn, Katelyn, Katelyn. Don't you see? Travis is trying to make you jelly so you go out with him! He's just using Y/N so he can get you."

"Well I know one thing. He's succeeding." I mumbled.

"He's head over heels but doesn't know how to show it. Yeah he's Casanova but he does it to get your attention." Aph rambled for another few minutes until I said I had to go.

"Bye Aph!" I shouted behind my shoulder.

"Bye Katelyn and good luck!" Aph shouted before closing the door.

I walked down to Y/N's house which was nearby and knocked on the door. It was soon answered by Y/N.

"Oh, hey Katelyn. How's it going?" She asked as she let me in her house.

"Hey N/N. I need some help and I know you will help me." I said.

"Oh? What about Aphmau? She's usually the one everyone goes to." She stated.

"Well... I already went to Aph and she's busy with whoever knows what. I need to ask you a question." I said.

"Go on." She said.

"Have you ever been helplessly in love with someone that has been trying to get to you but you pushed them away and then when they find someone else you get all jealous because you don't want to see him with other girls?" I ask.

"Actually... yes. It's annoying but that was in the past. I'm over him now. I hate him now anyways." She said.

"You have? Who was it?" I asked.

"You tell me yours and then I'll tell you mine."

"Urgh. Fine. It's Casanova." I said.

"Real names please."

"It's Travis." I said.

"Okay... mine's Gene." She said.

"WHAT?!?! Gene? As in... Gene Gene?" I asked shocked.

"Yeah. That's partly why Aaron and Gene hate each other." She said.

"Oh." Is all I said.

"Yeah. I know right. He tried to get me to join the Shadow Knights and when I said no he had attempted to blackmail me with failed miserably because I and Aaron don't have any secrets." She explained.

Y/N suddenly dropped onto her knees and looked like she was in pain.

"Katelyn. Close and lock all of the doors, windows and blinds." She looked panicked.

"Why?" I asked.

"JUST DO WHAT I SAY!" She screamed.

I quickly locked and closed all the windows and doors while she attempted to help me with the blinds.

*Y/N's POV

The pain was unbearable but that is what I have to go through every red moon which is every 15 days.

I quickly gave Katelyn my instructions because I would be changing in five minuets.

"Call Aaron and quick!" I panicked.

"What do I tell him?" Katelyn asked taking her phone out.

"Tell him that I have started to grow. He'll understand and come here. Just quick!" I said still in pain.

"Okay." She said and pressed call and spoke with Arron for about 10 seconds before they hung up.

15 seconds later Aaron was at the door. Katelyn opened it for him and he ran inside and picked me up bridal style.

"Which room?" He asked.

"Basement." I replied painfully.

He quickly took me to the basement which was full of pillows and raw meat. Katelyn followed us down looking worried.

"Katelyn, get out of the house. Even if you hear screaming or anything. Just go home." Aaron instructed Katelyn.

"What's happening to her?" Katelyn asked before I lost consciousness.

*Aaron's POV*

"Oh no she's lost consciousness. Katelyn get out of here. I'll explain everything later after the transformation." I said and placed Y/N onto the feathered and pillow filled floor.

"What do you mean transformation?" Katelyn asked.

Before I could answer Y/N started to grow and ears and tail both were F/C with the tips C/C.

"Do you want to become dinner?" I asked Katelyn to which she shook her head as no. "Then go home. I can handle her."

Katelyn this time obliged and went to her house; I closed the door after her and locked it. Suddenly, I heard growling behind me. I froze before slowly turning around to see Y/N and a big wolf.

Shoot. I forgot to lock the basement door. I though. Before Y/N could pounce I bowed down really low to show my respect to her while changing to my werewolf form so I don't become her dinner. After a few seconds she nodded her head in approval and I stood up straight again but making sure that I was smaller than her otherwise she will think that I was disrespectful towards her.

The two of us made our way back to the basement and after Y/N walked in I closed and locked the door with the two of us inside. Wrong move. She started growling so I panicked. I knew she could sense my panic so I slowly and cautiously stepped away from her knowing that if I made any wrong move then I will be attacked.

Thankfully, Y/N stopped growling and fell asleep to which I went back home knowing she was going to be okay.

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