14. Fireworks ((Short Chapter no. 2 / 3))

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((What you're wearing is at the top/side))
——On The Last Day There——
——no one's pov——

Y/n and everyone else were enjoying their last day in Hawaii before leaving the next morning. Aaron had heard that there was going to be a firework display that evening so everyone was getting ready for it.

Y/n, however, wasn't even at the beach houses. She was at the beach again, this time with Roxy. They were just chatting about random things being bored out of their minds.

——Time Skip To The Start Of The Firework Display——
——Aaron's pov—

We all sat down on the beach waiting for the fireworks to start. It was a chilly evening so we all had a jacket of some sort on us just incase we got cold. Y/n was sat with Roxy and then Katelyn on her other side, with the other girls around them. As for us guys, we were just in a massive huddle waiting for the fireworks to start.

Then, the fireworks finally started. We watched them with awe. Each and everyone of them was different from the ones before it...

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