Chapter 1: Learning the Truth

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So hello guys! Me and one of my friends did a Grayza rp and it inspired me to write this story. Many years later, I'm finally editing this. Yay!

-3rd Person Pov-

Gray sat in the guild, board. It was a pretty dull day when he noticed a familiar red head walk in.

"Hey Erza, do you wanna go on, a mission with me? Natsu and Lucy left, so I was wondering if you'd go?" I awkwardly rubbed the back of my neck, a blush rising.

Erza smiled and walked over. "Why of course Gray, I'd love to." We walked over to the mission board and I picked one at random.

"Alrighty. Our job is to catch some robbers who stole some gold. The people who they stole from will reward us with 3,000 jewels if we bring back their stolen property.

"Sounds like an easy pay," she smirked. "Let's get going."

I told Mira we were going to do this mission, then we left the guild together, my heart slightly thumping faster.

*Time skip to on the train*

-Gray Pov-

"Sooo," I started to break the silence, "the train ride is about two and a half hours. And it's just the two of us in this compartment.." I mumbled shyly.

Erza blinked in surprise. "Why that's alright with me, if it is with you," she gave me a small smile.

I couldn't help but go red. "Uh, well yeah. It's fine! I love hanging out with you! You're kind of like a.. crazy, demonic sister." I lied. If only she knew..

"Gray.. are you.. blushing?" She gave me a shocked looked before teasingly adding, "A sister, huh?

I casually tried to hide my face. "Me? Blushing? Pshhh no!" Then under my breathe I added, "Course you are more than a sister to me.."

Erza slightly chuckled. "What'd you say, Gray? I'm more than a sister? Are you trying to say you have a crush on me, is that it?" She smirked.

"Uh- umm, well I don't think I would have a chance with the famous Titania Scarlet. That's, if I liked you." I took off my shirt, feeling too hot with my blushing face.

"Don't worry Gray, I was just jesting. Don't look so red." She sat back with an amused smile.

"Oh. So was I. I wouldn't be into you." That was a close call. If she found out, I liked her, I'd either be dead or embarrassed forever.

Right away I could tell she felt offended. "Well, I'd never be into you either!" she scoffed.

"Then why did you agree to go on this job? Alone? With me?" I demanded.

"Well...I was bored just sitting around in the guild!"

I sighed. "How about we be honest about what we think of each other on our way back?"

"Fine." Erza crossed her arms and glared out the window. Although I could faintly make out a blush on her cheeks.

-Train comes to a stop-

"Alright. Let's get going then. I guess we should scope out the area," I said.

"Good idea. I see some smoke, let's go check out the woods." I looked into the sky to see that was smoke rising above the trees.

About ten minutes of trekking through the forest, we saw about eight thieves milling around a campsite in a clearing. Erza nodded towards me and gestured for me to go on the other side. I agreed. Once I made, I counted down on my fingers. 3, 2, 1!

I saw her requip into her Flight Armor and dash towards for of the guys.

"Ice make: Dragon!" A giant dragon made its way to the other four who tried to make a run for it. It breathed on them and froze them to the spot.

"That was easy." I didn't even break a sweat! I went towards the tent and saw the boxes of gold nuggets. "I take four, you take three?"

Erza nodded her head. "Ok so where do these guys live?"

"It's quite coincidental that it's right up this hill. Almost like the thieves were too lazy to move far. (*cough* me being too lazy to write). This looks pretty steep though.."

"I don't think we can carry this while climbing it," she replied honestly.

"I know!" I smashed my first over my palm after putting the boxes down. "Ice make: stairs!" I picked up the boxes then made my way up.

"Well wasn't that convenient," Erza laughed.

"Oh shush."

"So Gray, how do you really feel about me?" She asked as her were halfway up.

My face lit up in embarrassment. I took my time answering this one. "Well, I don't really see us as friends. Or brother and sisters.."

"Then what? Just come out with the truth!"

"Why do you care so much?" I managed to lose my pants, but that didn't make me feel any less warmer.

"I just find it interesting. What else would you see me as then?"

"Hey look we're here!" I all but yelled as I knocked on the door. "Here's your stolen gold!" We handed the man his items.

"Thank you so much! We were gonna pay you 3,000 jewels, but since you were so quick about it, I'll throw in an extra 2,000. Thank you Fairy Tail!" He handed us a pouch then wobbled back inside his house, a bright smile plastered on his face.

"Ok now let's head off to the train. I'm so tired. Man they put up one hell of a fight. I'm out of breathe." I lied

"You told me that they were easy and you didn't break a sweat!" She stopped me and gave me her infamous stare.

I looked her directly in the eyes while taking her hands. "Erza Scarlet. Fairy Princess, so they call you," I smirked, "I have a major crush on you." I dropped her warm hands and proceeded towards the train.

After a moment, Erza caught up to me. "Wait. Y-You like me?" She hesitated as if she hadn't heard right.

"Yeah." I looked down to try and hide my blush. "I didn't want to tell you because I don't think you feel th-"

"I do feel the same way." And to prove it, her pump lips met mind. And for those brief seconds, it felt like bliss.

"Let's get going, we can talk more on the train," she managed the break the trance.

"Yeah." I gently grabbed her hand and we briskly walked towards the train. What a weird chain of events.


Edited: 21 June 17 @ 10:08pm.
Word count: 1,101.

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