Chapter 9: I finally update

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-Natsu's P.O.V-

When I got off the train, finally, Gajeel pulled me back. Everyone was now in front of us. Erza carrying Gray in the lead, Wendy behind, Lucy, then me and Iron head.

"What do you want?" I hissed.

"Apparently you don't know how to be able to sense emotion! Can't you see Erza is upset right now?" Gajeel replied.

"What do you mean?"

"See you are stupid! You see how Gray and Erza are going out?"


"Well Gray is on the verge of death, and Erza is focused on his recover. I herd you say that you didn't expect him to get himself killed." Gajeel growled.

"It's true!"

"But don't mention it around her! Couldn't you hear her sobs?"

"No.. I was to busy throwing up. What were you doing?"

"I had Wendy use a little magic on me for the first couple of minutes! Then I got sick after 5 minutes..."

"Fine. Just for her sake I won't talk about Ice Princess."

"Good boy. Now scram. Go talk to Lucy. She obviously wants to talk to you."

-Erza's P.O.V-

I may be in the front of everyone but I heard their conversation. Natsu's and Gajeel's. I was shocked to know that he had a soft spot. I was happy to know that at least someone understood that I have feelings. I guess we are sorta the same. He's an Iron Dragon slayer. Doesn't really show any emotion. I'm Erza Scarlet, Fairy Princess. I like to hide my emotions behind my armor even though I learned I don't have to. I was lost in my thoughts that I hadn't noticed we were here. I opened the doors and walked towards the Master.

"Hey Gajeel can you take Gray to the infirmary?" I forced the words out.

"Sure thing Red Head" He took Gray off of my shoulders and walked away.

"What happened to Gray?" asked the Master.

I stiffened and looked away.

"That's a touchy subject right now." Lucy rubbed my shoulder. "I could tell him what happened just go ho-"

"Thanks Lucy, but I'm fine. I can do it."

"Ok. I'll go talk to Levy." She walked away and sat next to her blue headed friend.

"So what happened? The lacrima cut off before the call ended. I heard yelling."

"Natsu, being stupid as ever, was snooping around Acnologia. The dragon noticed us.." I trailed off.

"Then what happened?!" He asked, curious.

"Well we fought back like you said. We gave all our power at once. While it was falling it roared at us.."

"Okay, what happened next?" He could tell that something bad happened.

I took a deep breathe. "Gray was able to block it with Ice Shield, but he took all the damage. He sacrificed himself for us. We ran to the train and came here. He's still alive. Wendy is treating him."

The Master just sighed. "Go home. You need a rest as well as the others."

I walked into the room where everyone was.

"The master says to get some rest," I bluntly said.

"What about you?" Asked Wendy.

"I'll go home in a little bit. Don't worry I'll be fine." I gave a reassuring smile.

After a little bit they left. I walked over to Gray's bed and I lied down next to him. I rested my head on his chest. I jumped when I felt someone wrap their arm around me.

"Sorry for scaring you," Gray grumbled.

Tears started to form in my eyes.

"Oh thank Mavis your alive! I knew you were, but the others were an unsure of your health condition."

There was an awkward silence for a while. I finally asked him what has been bugging me this whole time.

"Why'd you protect us?" I mean I would have too, but I would have much rather it be me than him.

"Well I was trying to shield you, but it seemed like everyone was hiding behind you." He chuckled.

I laughed a bit as well as him. I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"You know, you had me scared to death. I knew you were alive but you wouldn't stir. How do you feel?" I ran my hand over his sweaty forehead.

"I feel great. Wendy did a good job on me. Where is she?" He slightly sat up and tried to look around.

"Everyone went to go to sleep. We did use a lot of magic on that finial attack. Plus Wendy was healing you a lot." I started to play with his raven hair.

"Then why are you here?" A small smile formed on his face.

"I had to make sure you were okay. Also, I didn't want you waking up alone inside the infirmary."

"Well I'm glad I get to sleep with you tonight. It'd be upsetting to sleep here alone," he agreed.

After some time, I drifted off. I was thrilled to know that Gray was talking and could move. I have to thank the little Dragon Slayer tomorrow. I fell asleep with the love of my life wrapping his arms around me and that's all that matters.

-Gray's P.O.V-

I was actually feeling pretty good. While Erza slept I stayed awake. I pulled her close by me. I never wanted to leave her. When I had gotten hit, it felt like I was paralyzed. I couldn't move but I could hear everything. Wendy was over me, I can tell by her hands hovering over my chest. Then when we got off the train Erza carried me like a bag of potatoes. Weirdest thing that happened was that Erza had Gajeel take me in here out of all people. I'd understand why it wouldn't be Wendy but stillllllllll.

I heard the door open. I closed my eyes and tried to listen to every movement on the room.

"Ah Gray-" Gramp's voice- "you were such an annoying brat. You and Natsu always fighting. I can't believe this happened. At least you died for a noble cause-"

"What?!" I whispered yelled. I didn't want to wake Erza. "I'm not dead!"

"I know my boy, I was merely joking. Here are some flowers. Make sure you rest well." The old man set flowers in a vase on the table then walked out.

I shook my head and snuggled up next to Erza under the blankets. That was such a close call. Would I ever be ready to give up my life for her? A few heartbeats later I knew the answer. Of course.

Edited: 25 June 17 @ 11:32am
Word Count: 1098

A Grayza Love Story [Completed]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz