That Sly Priest!

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Currently, in her dreamland, Via chases after a flying turkey, trying to reach its legs.

"Come back~ I'm going to love you in ma stomach~", I shouted trying to reach for its leg.

This turkey just won't let me eat it ah! Slightly frustrated, I continued to chase after it. Solely focusing on the turkey, I didn't notice how my surrounding was slowly fading into darkness. Eventually, the turkey disappeared and I'm left standing in the darkness alone. 

Warily looking around, a small light suddenly flickered. It began to condense until it was a little ball of light. In wonder, I slowly walked towards it. Suddenly right next to it,  another ball of light starts to condense and illuminate.  One by one they started to appear. White Lights. Blue lights.  Green lights and red lights. Dozens, then hundreds. They keep materializing until the darkness was completely lit up by their radiance. 

Reaching my hand out towards a white light, the light moved towards my finger and grazed it as if it wants to embrace my fingers. A red light then inched towards my hand and sat upon my palm. As if seeing the red light's action, the other lights stopped being shy and begin to gather around me. Gently holding a few balls of lights within my palm, the other lights tried to squeeze through my clenched fist wanting to enter. Softly chuckling at the lights' behavior, it reminded me of a child fighting to get its mother's attention.  

(With like a thousand more lights)

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(With like a thousand more lights)

Opening my fist again to release the lights, those lights merged together to form a single golden butterfly. Floating gently before me, it flew away before stopping again only at a short distance away. It stood there patiently flapping it swings as if it's waiting for me. Therefore I follow after the butterfly as it led me through the darkness.

Leaving the lights behind to follow the butterfly into the darkness, slowly a scene started to appear. Object floated in the pattern of a swirl. In wonder, I walked to the nearest object was a ball of mist which exudes cold air. Unafraid of the bitter coldness, I hold the ball in my hands only to notice that beyond the mist, was a sole snowflake floating in the middle. Putting down that ball of wonder, I moved on the object next to it. looked like lightning with its color and typical z pattern. But...Aissshh, this is a dream! Logic doesn't apply here! Reaching my hand to touch the lightning, it disappears only to reappear dancing between my fingertips. Crackling and alive, it would electrify anything it touches....but my hand is still well and intact. Facepalming myself for thinking logically in a dream, I realized I could have electrified my whole face.

Gulp. Better put this away before anything bad happens.....

Moving onto the next item, it was a palm-sized white tiger. Then it was two balls. One ball of golden light and a ball of pitch darkness. I thought the darkness was dark...but that ball of darkness is black as black can get.

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