Something for her

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She was always so oblivious to the world, always thought she needed more than what she had to feel complete. But the problem with this meant that she wore her heart on her sleeve and so many people took advantage of her for that. She was a hopeless romantic which often wound up with her getting hurt. She often described herself as 'always the friend, never the girl' and every time she got rejected, it broke her more and more. She came from a small family and always felt that she lacked potential to be something wonderful. Her sister sang, her brother danced and she was just an ordinary girl wanting something she couldn't explain. Being the middle child there is always the feeling of being less loved or brilliant as the other siblings.

Everything she did, she put all of the effort she could in, just so that at least if nothing else went right in her life, she had just one thing that she was proud of. It rarely worked but she was never going to give up on herself or the life she wanted. It just wasn't working out the way she wanted it to. Not many people liked Her, purely because of how she carried herself. She was confident with insecurities hidden beneath the words she spoke. She had no issues with being the outcast of the family. She just wanted to accomplish something extraordinary.

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