Chapter 2

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Dream's POV

Unfortunately for me (but not the Multi-verse), I couldn't find a blowtorch or anything...


I should have noticed something was wrong when Ink didn't come down all morning....


All morning

Someone must have been trying to torture/kidnap Ink! That must be it!

Stretch pulled me up the stairs even faster, leaving my thoughts whirling at this new revelation. We stumbled over the wreckage that was once the Creator's door, just in time to hear Blue say:

D O N  ' T  A S K , R I G H T ?

But when we thundered into the room, Blue was gone. I looked at Stretch questioningly, nut he just shrugged.


Okay, step one, find Ink, then find Blueberry.

There was just one problem:

They were BOTH gone.

And I couldn't sense either of their feeling.

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