Chapter 16-Part 1+2

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Due to request, I'm posting an update!


Well, it's only half the chapter, but it'll do for now, until I finish the second half of the chapter.



Self-harm, suicide attempt, and disturbing themes

Read at your own risk

You have been warned.

(However, you technically were warned in Chapter 4, but I digress)


Errors POV

Error really hated cleaning up Ink's mess. Recently this hadn't been a problem, as he and Ink hadn't been fighting over AUs. Ink had been very happy with this development, and greatly enjoyed not getting nearly killed every few days. Hallelujah!

"HAlLElUJaH mY aSS."

Grumbled Error. He slowly but surely cleaned up the magical paint using a washcloth as he traced the path Ink had taken earlier that day. He really needed to hurry, he had a special consolation scheduled in about half an hour. He removed the bright green paint from the ceiling, then noticed the door to his AU history chamber was open. To call it a room would be an understatement. The chamber was huge and look like a museum, a wall of notes and placards telling a story. The chamber stretched several hundred feet, and was normally deserted.

But not today.

Error put down his washcloth and approached the door. He heard nothing. Entering the room, he noticed someone at the end of the corridor, near the middle of the writing on Undertale's extensive prehistory. Closing the door behind him, Error teleported to the figure. Ink Sans had his eyes closed and his phone to his 'ear', talking urgently.

"What? Are you sure?"

He paced back and forth, agitated.

"Check again, that many Sanses can't just go missing!"

Error listened intently, uncomfortably aware he was eavesdropping.

Well, it can't be about the FREAKS, Ink went to the council and announced they were fine, and are just taking a break. "Nothing to worry about!"

Ink sighed, then hung up after an exhausted goodbye. He leaned up against the wall, rubbing his eye sockets with the heels of his hands.

"52,000 missing monsters, 22,000 of them Sanses. What is going on?"

"WElL, iT WaSNt US, yOU kNow ExaCTly WhERe wE'vE BeEn."

Ink startled a little, but quickly noticed Error. He smiled, and scooted a little closer to him.

" I don't like this, this many people haven't gone missing since your.. *ahem* "210X Incident""

He gave a slight shit eating grin as Error groaned.

"I ApOlogIzED! I dIDnT mEan TO teLepORt aLl thOse SAnseS to tHE AnTI-voId!"

"oR mAKe tHAt mAnY MUfFiNS..."

He added as an afterthought. Ink giggled.

"At least that one didn't end with Blueberry gluing Dream to the wall at Grillby's!"

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