Chapter 9

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XD Fresh!





Error clicked the last number into the code. The new code should make the boundary between his house and the rest of the Anti-Void impassible for anyone he doesn't permit. He careful installed the codes of the permitted Sanses, then closed the circle of code.

"No oNE CaN gET iN.."

Error POV

I glanced at the portals that lined the non-existent walls, each leading to a different AU, though you couldn't see or go through them. It allowed me to keep tabs on everyone and everything. it also allowed me to know if someone needs me to go to them.

Hense the "GO ZONE" nickname Fresh gave it...

I heard a door slam downstairs, and Blue's voice scolding


I smile softly. He just does that to annoy Blue. Honestly, he's so obvious, it's crazy that Blue doesn't see it.


...really Nightmare?


Lets introduce Ink to his new support group, the FREAKS



The living room was crowded with the four Sanses already there, Blue perched royally on abean bag chair, Red laying on the couch, Geno talking gently to Ink, who was uncomfortably sitting on the other side of Red's couch. The creator's eyes absorbed everything with wary interest.

"Calm down Ink. Error's mansion is a no fighting zone, and we all respect his rules."

Ink looked disbelievingly at Geno, and the undead skeleton quickly revised

"S-some more than others, but it's part of the FREAKS code."


"EVerYOne hErE?"

Error pulled in another couch with his strings, then settled onto it.

"Just missing Fresh!"

came Blue's cheerful reply.

"Then where's Nightmare?"

asked Geno. Ink shot upward, alarmed.



The goopy black skeleton leaned on the door frame while a second skeleton rolled into the room with a big smile and YOLO glasses.

"Sup my home-slice bread-slice dawgs!"





Fresh laughed at Ink's expression.

"Tots radical bro. I gotta tell ya, that's some funktastic humor right there!"

Poor Ink was still floundering around, trying to keep up with the information overload. All these people knew and were comfortable with Error, Error's house, and each other?

"WeLl, As YOu guYs maY HAvE NotIcED, InK Is oUR nEWest mEMbEr. Don'T KilL hIm, At lEasT nOT oN The CaPet, I jUSt hAD iT rEDonE."

The speed at which Ink vaulted over the back of the couch caused Red to fall off said couch in surprise, and everyone cracked up at the two effected skeleton's faces.

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