Chapter 17

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What do y'all think of Chaos x Core?

So I have been working on my Oneshits stories,

(specifically making alternate Multiverses LOL)

and I really have been considering something a friend told me recently. They said I have aggressive reactions to ships I don't like, and maybe I should try to do something about that. It kinda hurt, but she had a point. So we brainstormed a way I could make myself more tolorant, and our two dumbass selves came up with stupid plan:

I would write multiship story with ships I dislike or don't use often!

This could end badly, but I'm willing to give it a go! Y'all think I should?

Anyway, onto Chapter 17!


(No POV)






FinE! aLRighT! BUt tHErE's CONdItIOns!"


After three straight hours of pestering, Error finally gave in and promised to let the prisoners out of the dungeon. Red flinched, and Blue squeezed his hand reassuringly.

"If he tries A N Y T H I N G, I will E N D him, okay?"

Blueberry growled, eyes blanking out. The taller Sans nodded, pacified, and turned to Error.

"Okay, I think we're ready."

The other gathered skeletons nodded, including Geno, Fresh, and Cross, who had managed to leave Nightmare's side after some convincing. they started the decent to the dungeons, but Error stopped, holding cross back. the hybrid blinked in confusion, but said nothing. The others continued on, unnoticing.

"IS nIGHtmAre gOinG tO Be oKAy?"

the glitch asked

"He's very upset. He refuses to leave Dream's side. He won't take care of himself, but that's not my biggest worry."

Cross messed with his scarf, summoning a small knife and twirling it between his fingers

"he seems paranoid-- well, more than normal, anyway. He's really worried about something else. i asked him to tell me, to ease his worries, but he said it's classified..."

Error sighed, rubbing his non-existent temples. He pulled out his notepad, took a few notes, then said abruptly

"YEs, OKAy, NIgHTmaRe'lL bE fiNe. SLiGht tRAma is EXpeCted aNd DEPreSsiON wIll LikElY iNCrEase. PrObAbly sOMe aNXieTy rELaTeD tO DreAm NoW..."

Error twirled his pencil, thoughtful

"aS fOR yOUr oTHeR wORry cROsS, NIgHtMAre hAS bEEn...mY oPErATivE sEARcHinG ouT tHE eNEmY. I tOLd hIM tO TElL No OnE, AS AnYoNE mIGht be 'cORRuPted'---"

he cut himself off, shook his head, then stated

"YoU'Ll FInD oUt aT tHE mEeTiNg tHis AftErnOOn. THaNk You fOr TelLiNg Me, nOW lEts gET tHE 'REscUerS' fROm tHEiR prISoN."

Error hurried down the hallway, leaving Cross confused, then said skeleton rushed the other way, back up the steps to his Nightmare.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2019 ⏰

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