Chapter 13

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ShadowFlower190 gave me an idea in the comments, thanks Shadow!

This chapter contains a game called  Michigan Rummy, if you are unfamiliar, I would suggest a quick look online!

The 7/8/9 combo and the King/Queen combo are hard to get, so the 'betting'  pool is rather full. Each turn, you put on 'chip' in each 'pool', unless you are the dealer, then you put two.

this is based off an experience that NEARLY happened to me. I got the first pay card combo, but no one played the Jack, so I couldn't Queen/King/Ace



Nightmare asked slowly


"Not all!"

protested Blueberry

"Just most of them, see? The Jack of Spades is a pay card!"

The FREAKS sat in a circle on the freshly painted grassy area (Courtesy of Ink) attempting to play Michigan Rummy. Key word attempting. Just outside the border of Error's security line, because Ink's paint was disabled inside.

"WHaT aRE thE PaY cArDs AGAin?"

"The Jack of Spades

 The 10 of Hearts

 The Ace of Hearts

 7,8,9 of any suit

 The King and Queen of Hearts

 The King of Clubs"

"Okay Geno broski, go first cause I dealt."

"m'kay Fresh. Three of Spades."

"Four of Spades."



Cross POV

"Okay Cross, go scout for a likely place to keep hostages. The rest of us will lay low for five minutes or until you return."

'Sure, okay."

Cross snuck off the best he could in the endless white void. He traveled quickly and quietly, not daring to teleport unless he wanted the noise to be amplified in the silence. He heard the other Sanses before he saw them. In the distance, he could see a splash of color with dark shadows moving around. he could faintly hear a sans saying:

"King of Clubs.''

Then several voices laughed and/or groaned

"Pay Card!"

What the?

Cross inched closer,closer, then...


He jumped very high, rustling leaves lost in the noise of Error and Geno laughing so hard they fell over. In all the time Cross had known Error (Not very long) he had never seen the Destroyer laugh. Nightmare groaned, dropping his cards as Fresh scooped the money out of the game board.


"mE ToO."

he stiffened, then summoned his strings. For a moment, Cross lost sight of them, then he was being hoisted into the air. Cross yelped as he was pulled into the center of the game, cards flying. Cross winced, looking up into the startled players' faces.



Cross stammered

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