Chapter 7

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Okay I have a layout now, and actual plan!

Lets roll!


Dream POV


Can you here me?


That's okay, I know you can't respond. Your eyes and mouth don't function right now.

But your ears work perfectly.

Listen, I don't have much time, I just need you to know that you are in danger. The Multi-verse is on the edge of collapse. Trust HIM. HE knows. Remember its okay to ask for help...

Good luck mon reve


(In the Anti-Void)


"hE STabLe?"

"Yes, thank god."

"Me oR INk, BlUEBerRy?'

"ERROR! You know what I mean!"

"Do i? oR Do I NoT? YoU'Ll NEveR KNow!"

"You TROLL!"

The two voices continued to tease each other, each word like a cannon blast in my brain.

I groaned slightly, and opened my eyes.

And nearly fell of the bed in surprise.

I was in a room full of colors. My brush was in the corner, and there were thousands of art supplies of all kinds on every surface imaginable. Kind of overkill.

I was more concerned about the two skeletons at my bedside.

One dressed in blue and grey was next to my head, eagerly jumping up and down now that I was awake. Definitely Blueberry. As a glanced away, I noticed him quickly shove a handful of bluberrires (LOL) im his mouth from a bowl that the other skeleton had brought him.

The other was watching from the foot of my bed, he had just brought food to Blueberry, and was currently watching my face with relief.

I recognized him immediately.


I muttered

"What did you..."

"YOu Had aNOthER aTTacKSKItTlE fAce."

interrupted Error

"BLuE BroUGht YoU heRe To ASk yoU SoMEthINg."

"And to get you help, Inky!"

shouted Blue. He looked hopefully at me, then said

"Do you like your room? I convinced Error to let me decorate it! After all, if you say yes, you'll be here for while."

Well that's ominous.

"WE hAve A lOT tO TAlk aBOut SHorTy. Get SOme rEST, WE'lL TaLk LaTER. BLuE, A WoRD?"

(Errors next likes are said like the meme/vine "Hoe don't do it" [hoe does it] "Oh mah God")

"Ok! Here's two:"

"BLue, nO"


"BluE dON't dO It"


"Oh MY goD..."

Blue stuck his tongue out, then followed Error out. The door clicked shut.

I was alone.

Was that a good thing?"


I said finally finishing my sentence.


??? POV (Remember from chapter 3?)

I watched as the figures of Error, Ink, and and Blueberry disappeared into a portal in Outertale.

"That can't be good."

I mutter, then race along the path, opening a shortcut to my house.

I need to alert someone, anyone."

I didn't mean to alert that man.

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