Day 5 Kissing (Green x Red)

198 12 9

Red pov.

"Green, I need help getting all the groceries," I tell him writing the list on what we need. He comes down, 

"I'll help," he kisses my head. I smile hugging him.

"Can you get the baskets?" I ask finishing the list.

"They're in the closest, right?" I nod to his question.

He grabs them taking my hand and going out the door. Going to the market place. It was early so a few of the stands weren't even open yet. Most of the vendors live close but outside of castle town, so they have a bit of a walk.

"What do we need first?" Green asks looking down the street.

"I like to get bread and apples first," I tell him going over to the first open stall. A younger teen named Roko.

"H-hey Red, my mother is trying a new recipe..." I smile at the brunette. He has green eyes, and slightly tan skin. 

Green comes over eyeing my friend "I think I've seen you before, in the fields," That wouldn't be surprising he does like going there.

"Maybe... what kind of bread would you like?" He asks slowly gesturing to the table. 

"We'll try the new kind, two loaves please," I smile putting the basket on the table. 

He puts them in, "that's twenty rupees" I hand over the money leaving the stall.

Green follows me going to get eggs. We continue our shopping trip, getting milk, some meat, apples and vegetables. Going home we talk, nothing in particular, but it was nice to have some time together out of the house. We put our groceries away, going on the couch to continue chatting.

"I love you, not sure if I tell you enough," he tells me pulling me closer to him. 

"I love you too Green," I giggle a little leaning into his chest. He tilts my head to look at me. Closing his eyes, I do the same knowing what's going to happen. Green presses his lips on to mine, deepening it. That loving fire tingling against my lips.

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