Day 25 Gazing into Each Other's Eyes (Shadow x Green x Vio x Red)

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Green pov.

Shadow's eyes have always amazed me. Not only are they different colors, but they look like the pupils are expanding. The centers of his iris(s) are black giving strong contrast to his left blue eye, and red right eye. But since he's gotten control over his life and what ties him to our world, they've become much darker. For most people they assume they've become sinister with that wording, but with Shadow it's like our eyes getting brighter from a pale depressed shade.

Vio and Red have become a bit nervous about the center of there eyes' changing to match their names. They even on accusation worn glasses to assimilate the difference. I wish they wouldn't I hate how it blocks me from seeing those beauties.

Vio's make me think of winter. Even the outer line of his eyes are lighter than anyone else I've seen. That shade belongs to the ice covering Lake Hylia each year. But the centers are lilac, the inner most ring going into lavender. Sometimes I even get the smell of such flowery fields while looking into those stolen orbs.

Red worries a bit more than Vio, after all, people associate red eyes with the enemy's workers. But his rings of difference are much shorter, presumably due to the unmixing pair. The blue matches the sky on a day with no haze or clouds. And the red belongs to rubies. At one point I wondered how his eyes managed to be replaced with gem stones.

Mine... mine are boring. Just green over blue, nothing special. My eyes don't cause any such wonder as I get from theirs.... I can't picture them staring into them, I'm just the dull one.

Shadow pov.

Walking into the bed room I see Green squeezing his legs against his chest. Vio goes ahead of my sitting in front of me. Red wakes up sitting up and moving over to Green. I go next to Vio, and make Green lift his head. I stare into his teary eyes, and those beautiful islands the sword created just for him.

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