• 14 - Berk •

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It wasn't every day that you flew back to your home island. It also wasn't every day that you had to protect a grown man from your own father but it seemed like that day. 

Athen flew on the back of the Woolly Howl that had helped save her life two weeks beforehand at the hunters base. She had named the creature Ventus and it had barely ever left her side ever since she had returned to the dragons edge. Athen could feel the cool wind on her skin and was glad that she had been reminded by her brother to wear her fur jacket for the flight back to berk for the holidays. It was a simple soft leather coat with lashings to keep it shut and sheep wool lining the edges of the wood and sleeves for warmth.

Berk was in view now and as she landed the dragon she was greeted by many of her Viking friends of the village. She greeted Tilda - who seemed to have had another child - and Hallis and many others who she had known since she was younger, the last of the people to greet her was her father. The man smiled a crooked tooth smile and shook hands with her.

"I heard what happened, I'm glad you're alright lassie" he spoke, Athen nodded in reply and the two headed towards the great hall where Hiccup was trying to explain Viggo and Ryker to his own father. Stoick didn't trust them clearly yet he trusted his own son and his choices even though sometimes they were more guided by his heart than his mind. Yet as Athen and her father moved towards the group the older man marched ahead and grasped the younger of the two ex-hunters by the neck, pushing him back. He began to accuse and yell while Athen watched with an eyebrow raised and her arms crossed. Viggo looked like a deer in headlights for a moment before Athen walked forwards and practically dragged her father off the man and pulled him back.

"Spitelout that's quite enough" Stoick spoke in a deep voice to his brother. 

"Do you know what this man has done?" Spitelout growled.


"And what he has caused for us - everything he has ruined?"


"Then why is he here and not in chains on Outcast island?". Stoick took a breath, pondering his reply, being careful with his words for once. Before Athen interjected, she knew her father would trust her words batter anyways.

"He saved my life - the riders and I have decided that they should be permitted to stay with us here over the holiday season before we move back to the edge". Stoick nodded in agreement as well as Gobber and a few others of the council. Spiteloud thought for a moment before muttering out a 'fine' and marching off. Athen turned to the two brothers.

"I'm sorry about him- he can be a little temperamental," She said.

"Who was he?" Ryker asked in his accented voice. Athen let a tiny smile grace her face before she answered.

"That was Spitelout- My father". 

"Athen, get these two settled in one of the empty huts - I have to talk to my son"Stoick's sharp eyes fell on hiccup who flinched a little. Athen nodded and lead the two towards the edge of the village where many of the huts were empty and mostly kept so that guests of the island could stay without having to bunk with other berkians in the village. Athen lef the two to get settled as she moved back to her own house, entering and walking straight up to her room - the one highest in the house. As she entered she closed the door behind her and let out a small breath, she was home again.

Snow began to fall as she changed into more suitable clothes for staying in the village rather than travelling. A grey and red fitting tunic and simple black pants, a leather skirt much like Astrids yet with studs instead of spikes and her usual razorhip shoulder guards and wrist guards. The razorwhip bard armour reminded her of Gallows, she wasn't sure where the silver dragon was or whether he was still alive after the hunters took him away but she swore she would find him if it was the last thing she did.

Athen heard a knock at the front door of the hut and she wandered down the stairs, opening the door slowly.

Sorry, this is so short, I've been really sick lately along with feels from Infinity War cause...ahhhhhhhhh.

Sadly this book will be ending soon, only a few more chapters to go now. And some cute moments coming up!

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