"You Don't Have To Do It Alone"

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The next morning I decide that I don't want to go to work so I shoot my boss a quick text saying I can't make it because of Rosalee

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The next morning I decide that I don't want to go to work so I shoot my boss a quick text saying I can't make it because of Rosalee.

I get Rosalee dressed and ready and then myself and prepare to head over to Amelia's cafe.

When I get there, a lot of people are already inside. People love it here. I'm greeted by some regular customers and I take the now sleeping Rosalee to the office where I lay her down before heading back out to greet my best friend.

"Hey mamas, no work today?" She asks me while cleaning the coffee maker.

"Not today, with everything going on I just really wasn't feeling work today" I answer honestly.

"Understandable, it's okay the customers love you anyways." she says making me smile.
"You planning on singing today?" she asks.

"Ummm" i trail. "Honestly, I don't know. I might later, but right now i'm not up for it" I answer looking towards the stage.

She nods in response before giving me a quick hug and walking off to greet the customers.

I walk behind the counter and make myself a quick cup of coffee before sitting back at the bar top.

"Hey Gabby, you hungry?" Cesar, the cook asks me.

"Uh sure I can eat" I say smiling at him.

"Awesome, what will you be having?" He asks.

"My usual" I answer.

"That's why I like you, sweet and simple" he says winking to me before heading off to the kitchen.

"You know, I always thought he had a crush on you, he is cute" Amelia says returning to her spot across from me, behind the counter.

"Isn't he married Meli?" I ask laughing.

"What his wife doesn't know won't kill her" Amelia says and I laugh.

"Yeah and his kids?" I ask laughing and she just laughs in response.

These moments with my best friend, are the moments I live for.

All of sudden the door opens again, Amelia glances up and her smile slowly fades. I follow her gaze and see none other than Brandon and Zion.

When they notice us they start to make their way over. I roll my eyes and turn my back to them looking at Amelia who just looks at me concerned.

"Hey Amelia" Zion says greeting her and she looks up at him and smiles.

"Hey Zion" she responds kindly.

"Hey Gabby" he stutters, as if he's unsure.

"Hey Zion" I say quietly looking at my cup of coffee.

Brandon clears his throat, and Amelia looks him up and down.

"Hey Amelia" He says unsure.

She scoffs and grabs my now empty coffee cup taking it to the back.

PERSPECTIVE (A Brandon Arreaga Fanfic {PRETTYMUCH}Where stories live. Discover now