"I Think My Water Just Broke"

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I sit in my apartment at my kitchen table in complete silence when I hear a gentle knock on the door

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I sit in my apartment at my kitchen table in complete silence when I hear a gentle knock on the door.

"it's open" I call out. The door opens slowly to reveal my best friend who looks at me and waves before closing the door behind her.

I stand to greet her and she stops in her place.

"My goodness you look like you're ready to pop" she says making me smile, while looking down at my stomach. I am currently 38 weeks pregnant and I know my little princess will be here before I know it.

"How are you feeling mama?" She asks me coming up to me and rubbing my stomach.

"Surprisingly I feel really good. I mean of course I get stomach pains that i assume are contractions but they're not close enough together yet to be alarmed by, so I'm doing great. I'm just ready for her to come out." I say sighing and sitting back down at the table.

"Yeah I bet" she says while sitting down next to me.

"So what have you been up to today?" I ask her, while gently nibbling on a pen.

"Not much, I've just been shopping for baby a little bit." she says looking at me with a smile. We call my daughter baby right now, because I haven't picked out a name for her yet.

"Amelia you know you don't have to buy anything for her" I say looking at her laughing.

"I know I don't have to, but I want to. Plus I want everyone to know who her hot godmother is" she says winking at me, making me laugh.

"Alright fine, show me what you got her" I say intrigued.

"I will, but first you need to show me what you've been writing" she says gesturing at the journal full of notes in front of me.

"Fine" I say rolling my eyes. 'It's been a while since I last wrote a song, and just feeling my baby move around in my stomach gave me a lot of inspiration." I say placing my hand on my stomach.

"That's sweet. Can I hear it?" she asks me. I look at her in defeat knowing she's not going to give up unless I sing it to her.

"Fine" I say pressing play on my laptop where the music I produced for it begins to play in the background.

(Song above: You Belong by Rachel Platten)

I'm patiently waiting for you to arrive
I wanna meet you so much I could cry
I wonder who's hands and who's eyes you will have
I wonder if you're gonna smile like your dad
And nothing you ever do will be so wrong
You belong, you belong
And I wanna help you be better than me
There won't be a star in the sky you can't reach
I'll wipe off your tears but I'll let them fall first
And I will be brave when you fall and get hurt
You can be you, you don't have to be strong
'Cause you belong, you belong
You belong, you know
I don't know your name
But I can't wait to say it
And I don't know your face
But I bet it will blow me away
I'm sure you would love using all that you're worth
You show me how to put somebody else first
I hope you like music as much as your mom
That you'll understand that I'm there when I'm gone
This is probably too much for me to say in a song
But you belong, you belong, yeah
You belong, you know
I don't know your name
But I can't wait to say it
And I don't know your face
But I know it will blow me away
I'm feeling and watching you grow everyday
It's so amazing, so why am I afraid?
We packed up to move in, we're painting your room
I can't believe I'll be holding you soon
Safe in my arms when you finally come
You belong, you belong

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