"Its A Girl?"

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I sit in the doctors office with Amelia by my side

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I sit in the doctors office with Amelia by my side.

"Isn't this the doctors appointment where you can find out the gender of your baby?" Amelia asks while the doctor puts the jelly on my stomach.

"As a matter of fact, she can find out the gender if she wants to" the doctor responds looking up to me.

I begin to answer but Amelia interrupts "No no don't tell her, write it down and tell me I want to throw her a big gender reveal party!" Amelia announces excitedly. To be honest I didn't want a big gender reveal party but Amelia looks so excited so I just look at her and put on a fake smile.

The doctor chuckles and looks at Amelia "Will do. I'll write it down and give it to you" he says and she cheers excitedly.

As we exit the hospital I look at my feet while Amelia rambles.

"I already have so many ideas for what we can do! You're a singer, and honestly I don't know how we can incorporate that but i'm gonna try. We can throw it at the cafe because I know your apartment is a little small, no offense, but i'm so excited for this! And I can't wait for you to find out what you're having!" At this moment she notices me staring at my feet.

She stops in place making me look up at her, she's frowning.

"What's wrong Gabby?" She asks.

"I'm sorry Meli, I just really don't want an extravagant gender reveal party" I say quietly.

She looks surprised "oh okay" she says slowly. Now she's looking at her feet. "May I ask why?" She asks.

"Well mainly because I don't know anybody here, I mean really you're the only person I talk to. But also because this baby doesn't have a father and it wasn't planned and I don't really want to flaunt that around." I answer honestly.

Amelia gives me a sincere look, like she understands. She starts smiling while staring at me. It's honestly kind of creepy.

"What?" I ask chucking.

"You're lucky you have me as a best friend" She says still smiling.

"Why's that?" I ask looking down at her.

"I've got something I have to do. Meet you at the cafe in a few" she says kissing my cheek and walking in the other direction. 

"Amelia? Where are you going?" I call after her but she ignores me.

I roll my eyes, shrug, and continue making my way to the cafe.

When I get there I sit down at our reserved table and wait for Amelia to get here.

"Hey Gabby!" I look up and see one of Amelia's workers Steven looking at me.

"Hey Steven" I say giving him a small smile while playing with my hands.

"Where's Amelia? Thought she would be with you" He asks.

"Yeah she disappeared on me, but she should be here soon" I answer as he makes his way over to me.

"You had a doctors appointment today right? How is everything? Is the baby healthy?" he asks.

"Everything is good, the baby is healthy." I answer touching my growing stomach.

"That's great i'm glad!" he says smiling at me.

The door bell rings signaling somebody is coming in.

"Well there's Amelia, so I should get back to work. Glad to know everything is okay though!" He says making his way back to the counter.

I turn around and look at Amelia who has a bag of Chinese food in her hand.

I look at her questioningly, laughing.

"I was craving Chinese so I went to go grab us some really quick" she says sitting across from me.

I don't question anything she does at this point.

"Well okay" I say looking at her giggling.

"This bag is yours" She says handing me a small bag.

"Thank you" I say giving her a smile.

"Anything for you" she says studying me intently.

I look at her quizzically, but decide not to ask about it. When I open my bag I see one small fortune cookie, and nothing else.

"Wait I think they got the order wrong, is my food in your bag?" I ask Amelia confused.

"Oh really? Maybe. Let me look, but I would still open the fortune cookie, those things are so fun!" She says chuckling.

I shrug and place the now empty bag on the floor next to my feet.

While I open the fortune cookie, I see Amelia looking at me smiling out of the corner of my eye.

When I open the fortune cookie, I freeze in my place reading my "fortune".

"What does it say?" Amelia asks me.

I have tears filling my eyes.

"It's a girl" I say quietly. I look up at Amelia and she also has tears in her eyes.

"It's a girl?" I question, tears now fully falling down my face.

"It's a girl." she says smiling wiping a tear.

"Oh my god!" I yell jumping up, Amelia jumping up with me to wrap me in a hug.

"Gabby! Amelia! Is everything okay?" Steven says running to our table.

"It's a girl!" I say wrapping my arms around him crying.

He's tense for a moment but after a while, he reciprocates and wraps his arms around me.

"Congrats Gabby! I'm so happy for you" He whispers in my ear.

When I pull away I thank him, and he walks back to the back.

"Thank you for being the best friend ever" I say giving Amelia a big hug. Well I hug her as tight as I can, considering I have a big belly getting in the way.

"You're welcome Gabby, and I'm not the best friend ever, that title already belongs to you!" she says making me blush.

"Listen I know that you're feeling a little insecure about being a single mom, but I believe in you Gabby. You're going to be an amazing mom to the most adorable little girl in the world, and I couldn't be more proud of you. I am going to be by your side every step of the way. You're going to be the best mom in the world. And it's time you start believing it" She says making me cry even harder.

"I love you Amelia, Thank you for being my best friend" I say squeezing her hand.

"I love you too Gabby, and it's a pleasure being your best friend"

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