"Who Is That?"

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When I finally got back to the house I couldn't stop myself from smiling

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When I finally got back to the house I couldn't stop myself from smiling.

"What's gotten into you smiley?" Amelia asks walking into the living room, making me jump. I try to drop my smile as best as I can.

"What are you talking about?" I say trying to throw her off.

"The second you walked in here you have been nonstop smiling" she says giving me a funny look.

"Just happy to be here" I say throwing up another smile making her roll her eyes at me.

"Right, okay I'll pretend I believe you" She says as Brandon walks in with Rosalee.

"There's my baby" I say walking away from Amelia towards my daughter. I take her out of Brandon's hands but she immediately begins to fuss and try to get back into Brandon's arms. "Hey, why don't you want mommy?" I ask pouting, but she continues to cry.

Brandon sighs and takes her back out of my arms. "Rosalee you gotta be nice to your mama, she's been there for you a lot longer than I have" he says and I look at him and smile. He tries to hand her back off to me but she begins to pout so I sigh and say "It's okay".

"Don't take it personally, she's been doing it to everyone" he says, explaining Rosalee's behavior.

"Don't worry about it, there was a point in time when she only wanted a worker at Amelia's cafe, she'll realize who she actually loves soon" I say sticking out my tongue at him.

"Oh whatever, she loves me more" He says joking back and walking her to the couch. 

"Actually it's a good thing she doesn't want me right now because I have stuff I need to do for her party" I say grabbing Amelia's hand and leading her into our shared room while Brandon laughs and kisses Rosalee.

A few hours later, I yawn and look at my phone to see the time.

11:42 PM

"Okay we definitely stayed up later then we should've, I think we are prepared for tomorrow, let's go to sleep mamas" I say and Amelia gasps when she looks at the time.

"Yeah it's past my bedtime" she says. "Speaking of bedtime, where's Rosalee?" Amelia asks motioning towards her crib.

I look in the crib and realize she isn't in there. I shoot up from my sitting position and walk out of the bedroom quickly. When I walk into the living room I don't see any signs of Brandon or Rosalee. I quickly walk to Brandon's room and open the door slowly. When I get inside I see Brandon sound asleep on his bed with Rosalee laying on top of him also asleep.

I smile to myself, I feel happy that Rosalee loves her daddy. She doesn't know the bad things he did, and she doesn't need to know. I wish I could love him again the way she does, but I can't bring myself to look at him the same way I did before. I sigh and close the door deciding to leave her in there, knowing trying to wake her will only cause her to scream.

PERSPECTIVE (A Brandon Arreaga Fanfic {PRETTYMUCH}Where stories live. Discover now