Teen fiction Winners (season 1)

63 4 16

3rd place: "About a Girl" by The_Dweeb

Score: 95/115

Judges comment: I really like the idea. The title could be better, the story is so much more than just a girl. And include more emotion in the characters Ashely's dad died in a car crash a little over a month ago and all she says is that she isn't over it and probably never will be. She would most likely have a pain in her side, and her breath catch everytime she realised he was gone.

2nd place: "Note to self" By lee-fox

Score: 101/115

Judges comment: This is a really great teen fiction story. But it lacks things to make it even better. Examples: the pacing is a little fast, which helps with emotions and personalities of the characters. It has a great title and is incorporated throughout the story. The description could use a bit more of a hook, to pull readers in, but once they give your book a try your cannot put it down.

1st place : "Distant Stars" By: wonderland_explorer3

Score: 103/115

Judges comment: This book wrapped me up from the moment I started reading it. The characters have clear personalities, and they are very relatable. You can't help but to root for Melody and Leo. The only thing I can suggest is to better describe what happened like you use this line multiple ways "I was thinking over the past week" Meaning whole book is basically told through flashbacks. 


Congrats to every one who won, and thank you all you have entered. PM KEKamalP for the comments on your book. you may now use your badges.

For those who didn't win and marked you wanted your score on your form. Private message this account your genre and book name to receive your score and judges comment. We hope you will use them to improve your story because they were all truly amazing.

If you have any questions or concerns contact your judge converse1036754

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